
Saturday, March 31, 2012

As one of the most marketable natural bodybuilders on the competitive scene, Rico Elbaz brings to the stage an aesthetic and powerful physique. The 5'10" heavyweight has an incredible following and will once again take on the best MM Pros. Rico explains, "Well, the day is almost here. On Monday, I will start my prep for the Musclemania® Universe in Miami. It took me almost 4 years trying a different organization to realize why MM is the best in the world! And, its the best for me! I'm so exited to go back and be a part of the MM Pro Family and feeling more confident then ever to win the MM Pro Division this year!" "My conditioning, I believe, is the best i have ever been getting ready for a show. I have 10 weeks to go and my off season weight is 215 lbs. and 7.5% body fat. So the good thing is I don't need to torture myself dieting. My goal is to look my best and make improvements since my last contest in the MM Pro Division four years ago. I am feeling very good right now, probably the best to date." "I'm looking forward to go back to the MM stage in Miami where my True Fans are! I'm coming back more hungry then ever and I promise you all . . . I will not disappoint you!"

Lifetime natural Benjamin Pace is in the US Air Force and stationed at Ramstein AB in Germany. The 5'10", 24 year old military man trains with a team of other natural bodybuilders at the base gym. Ben has been intense about his training for MM Universe in Miami since the first of the year. He explains, "I was born in Germany and move and lived the rest of my life in Texas, mostly from Dallas / Forth Worth area. Right now I'm sitting at 181 lbs. but my competition weight will be about 165 lbs. Next week, I plan on starting my diet while deployed in Kandahar as an Air Evacuation Tech bringing our wounded warriors home. I am stoked about my first appearance on the Musclemania® stage in Miami. Before I come to compete, I will have finished completing my Associates Degree and some personal training certifications. My main focus during the up coming weeks is working on symmetry, my posing and not coming home empty handed." Good luck to Ben and thank you for your military service to the country! Also, the MM Armed Forces Championships will be held September 22 at Marine Corps Base Quantico, VA.
MM Pro Dewayne Malone just sent an update this 
afternoon. "Stopped at Golds Gym outside Dallas to stay on track for MM Universe. A long week being a full time Dad to 4 kids, a faithful husband, personal trainer to over 17 people a day for Against All Odds Fitness, promoting the MM Lone Star, starting up Unstoppable Wear Sports Apparel and running Texas Titan Supplement Shop. It takes a lot of balance and yet still being an elite MM Pro gets challenging. But I wouldn't have it any other way. I will keep you updated as I strive to win the MM Universe and be a successful father and entrepreneur."

Thursday, March 29, 2012

 MM Pro Matt Liller continues his quest to the MM Universe Pro stage. The 5'10", 220 lbs. law student has been planning his MM Pro debut assault for two years. Here's Matt's latest update. He calls it, "My Biggest Competition".

"This title has several meanings, and as we approach 11 weeks out from the Universe they all begin to become more prominent in my mind.

Meaning #1: The Universe, as a show, is undoubtedly the most important competition I've ever participated in. Pretty much every childhood dream I ever had involved competing as a professional athlete, and once I found competitive bodybuilding my goal was to become a pro. That goal was achieved in 2010, and every workout and every meal since then has been with one weekend in mind: June 15-16, 2012 in Miami.

Meaning #2: The other competitors I will be onstage with. The pro lineup is shaping up to be one of the best in years, with many former champions slated to compete. As of press time Morris Mendez is in, Ulisses Jr. is in, Antwuan Smith is in, Dickens Lambert is on the fence, Jeff Beckham is in, and Griffin Datcher III is in. ALL of these guys are top-tier bodybuilders that are VERY capable of winning the show. There are also some x-factors that might be there, including Korea's Chul Soon, who can shock the world.

Meaning #3: The REAL meaning - my biggest competition is myself. It truly doesn't matter what level you're on or how many titles you have, the real measure of "winning" a bodybuilding show is making your physique better than the last time. I can say with 100% certainty that I will be MUCH better than my last contest, and that is perhaps a larger "victory" than any trophy can reflect.

But don't get it twisted, this improved physique will be making several of the guys mentioned in #2 quite angry when I take "their" spot . . ."

Natural womens star ernes Ernestine Shepard shocked the audience at '11 MM Capital in Washington D.C. The 75 year old fitness fanatic is trained by promoter Yohnnie Shambourger who has known Ernestine for years.

She explains her nutrition and training regimen is as serious as ladies half her age. "My daily diet includes 1,700 calories a day, mostly comprised of boiled egg whites, chicken, vegetables and a liquid egg white drink. I run about 80 miles per week and bench presses 150 pounds. Bicep curls are done with 15 and 20 pound dumbbells."

Married for 53 years, Ernestine says, "I am exactly where I want to be."
Slovenia lifter Ben Radic is legendary in his country's fitness community. At 5'10", 220 lbs., the 26 year old personal trainer has developed a big, thick, symmetry and athletic physique . . . but this guy has never competed! That's about to change as he begins preparing for MM Europe in Paris in October. Ben explains, "I am already watching my diet and really want to be in shape months ahead of the show. It will be my first time, so I don't want to chance anything. I want to know my body best for the contest."
OK, so he doesn't look anywhere near in contest shape, but MM Pro Dewayne Malone is just now starting his competition diet. The 5'7", 190 lbs. personal trainer won last year's MM Universe Pro LW Class and say's he's ready for all comers . . . including the HW Class. As he puts it, "There ain't nobody who's going to touch me!" More photos and news about Dewayne as he starts shaping up.
Professional dancer Erington Moore started weight lifting last year and competed at MM New England. Now, the 5'10", 185 lbs., 26 year old trainer has gained significant muscle and is preparing once again for the show. Today Erington said, "I just stopped creatine this past week. So I am starting to shred up." The Philadelphia native is trained by MM Pro George Patton.

Big Musclemania® Pro Griffin Datcher III just sent a training and nutriton update. At 6'3", he will surely bring one of the dominate physiques to MM Pro Universe Tall Class:

"I am at 268 lbs. and still GAINING!! Deep into my contest preparation for my first MM Pro show and the greatest thing is that I have gained weight after modifying my diet. Currently I am taking in about 5,000 calories per day so my days consists of eating, working and working out which pretty much puts a damper on the amount of sleep I get but it's all good because it's only temporary. Increasing my rep and set training volume has also helped to pack on at least 5 lbs. of muscle. I can't believe the difference a few changes have made in my physique. I am preparing to carry those 5 lbs. of muscle on stage with a sharp, balanced physique come June. My motto is "push it to the limit" and that's exactly what I plan on doing!
Midwest natural bodybuilder Cole Holmberg is preparing for Musclemania® Great North at the Mall of America in Minneapolis on April 21. Last year, Cole took 2nd Place at the show and is hammering the weights to take home the gold this time. He's proudly lifetime natural and first started competing in 2007 while in college. For his first show, Cole lost 75 lbs. which he says dramatically changing his life. Besides bodybuilding, he also enjoys competing in indoor rowing competitions and was the 2009 MN State Indoor Rowing Champion. Cole has a degree in Civil Engineering and is a VP and Senior Cost Estimator and Consultant for a St. Paul the company. And, Cole is an independent personal trainer helping people make the same changes in their life just as he did and also training people for competitions. He says, "I love everything that I do, the diversity it brings along with all of it's challenges. I wouldn't have it any other way!"

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Musclemania® MW star Jay Alvarez has been blasting in the gym getting ready for MM New England next month. The 5'8", 180 lbs. trainer has been able to hold his size while leaning out for the show. Jay narrowly lost the '11 MM Boston show but says the New England show will have a whole different outcome. "I have been so committed to this show like never before," he says. "Since last year, I gained some muscle but haven't lost any of it during the diet. I got a month before the show and may have to increase my calories because I am almost in contest shape." Jay and over 200 other amazing competitors will be broadcast LIVE at on Saturday, April 28 - Prejudging 1 PM ET, Finals 6 PM ET.
US Marine Corps Corporal Thomas Ho is training for MM New England. He says, "I am currently weighing 161 lbs. and looking to step on stage around 155, just at the top of the LW class. I am still lifting like in the off season - heavy with a rep range of around 6-10. My routine is a 5-day split with 6 days of cardio. My diet probally looks like most other bodybuilders - eggs, egg whites, oatmeal, brown rice, chicken, and fish. Its very bland but will all be worth it at the end. I am already hearing that extra large pie of pizza calling my name! But first thing is first."
Florida lifetime natural bodybuilder Reggie Miles just sent this new shot as he continues training for MM Universe in June. At 5'10", 200 lbs., he's staying in virtual competition shape never exceeding 3-4% bodyfat. It will be Reggie's very first show.
Musclemania® Pro Roger Snipes was shot yesterday afternoon at Bognor Regis which is a southern English coast beach. MM Britain competitors Jamie Alderton and Dan Barnett also were shot with Roger for a a beach workout video. Rogers says he's now weighing in at 219 lbs. as he prepares for an appearance at FIBO in Germany next month and MM Universe in Miami in June.

Musclemania® Pro Dickens Lambert just sent an update about his training progress:

It’s now the end of the month of March. My training is going extremely well! At this point in my training, I am contemplating whether I should compete at MM Universe in Miami or concentrate my efforts on MM Worlds in Las Vegas. Presently, my fitness training business is taking much of my time. It’s a positive problem I have to deal with. Furthermore, preparing many of my Bio3fitness athletes like MM American 5th Place HW Samuel Dixon, Short Class 1st Place Figure Macha Douard, 6th Place Medium Class Karine Pilon and 4th Place MM Isabelle Marois just to name a few, completely fills up my schedule. Their great success at the '11 Musclemania show in Las Vegas has led me to coach many more athletes for the 2012 contest season. That being said, I am now torn between wanting to compete with my fellow Musclemania® Pros and focusing on my athletes and developing my Bio3fitness company. Oddly, I have realized that my passion for excellence in the fitness and natural bodybuilding industry has created a great demand for my services which in return reduces my own time for my personal contest preparation. Regardless of this dilemma, I will attempt to do the impossible to be on stage with my MM iron brothers and continue be the example of personal excellence that has lured many natural fitness athletes from around the world to work with me. If I can’t be on the same stage as my fellow Musclemania® warriors, rest assured that my athletes will represent me and deliver an honourable fight worthy of the same excellence I always strive for and which also symbolizes the philosophy of the BIO3FITNESS health and fitness company.

Dickens Lambert
Musclemania Pro
Texas natural bodybuilder Amin Shahry continues his off-season, heavy duty training. Still weighing 210 lbs., the 5'6" gym manager has amazing thickness and incredible strength. A Top 5 Finalist at '11 MM America, Amin hasn't decide which MM show to compete this season but no doubt will be threat whenever he does choose.
Musclemania® Pros Morris Mendez and Ricky Syamsuri backstage at '11 MM World in Las Vegas were ripped and ready. Morris took home as MM World Pro Champion and Ricky as the Runner-Up. Currently, Morris says he's training to add 5 more lbs. of muscle before his next competition and Ricky has been doing seminars and exhibitions in his native Indonesia.
Musclemania® Pros Chul Soon & Ulisses Jr. were two crowd favorites at the '11 MM World Pro Championships and finished in 2nd and 4th Places, respectively. Currently, Chul appears on a weekly Korea television show and just opened his own fitness center in Seoul while Ulisses is preparing to move his London personal training studio to a bigger facility.
MM Pro Gerald Pangan (right) isn't taking off his shirt, yet, but the Filipino phenom says he's starting his diet for Musclemania® Universe soon. Here with Fahan, one of his personal training clients, Gerald is still holding 190 lbs. in off-season condition. Last year, he barely lost to MM Pro Dewayne Malone and he swears it will be a different result next time in Miami.
‎'11 Musclemania® Texas Finalist and Alabama natural bodybuilder Chase Hill experienced a worthwhile experience this morning. He explains, "Today in the grocery store an old lady was struggling to get a jug of water from the top shelf. I came up behind her and got it for her. While I was in the check out line she came up behind me and continuously insisted that she pay for my groceries. I'm winning today."
South Carolinian Malcom Sirmons just send this progress photo. With 3 months before MM Universe in Miami, he's maintaining 225 lbs. at 5'11" with incredible shape and symmetry. However, Malcolm says he hopes to land in the LHW Class. More progress shots soon.
One of Mexico's fastest rising natural stars is Luis Guerrero. The 5'10", 185 lbs. personal trainer doesn't weigh as much as he appears but brings to the stage crazy shape and muscle density. Luis also is a popular sports model appearing in many Mexican sports, commercial and fitness magazines. He will compete at MM Mexico in May in Mexico City.
MM Pro Anthony Bensala is looking thick and lean in this off-season. The 6'1", 235 lbs. Camaroon natural bodybuilder is preparing for MM Universe in June. Antony says, "The objective is to arrive with a special muscle quality, with a super good volume."
Musclemania® Pros Ulisses Jr. and Roger Snipes just sent this shot from London. "Had a crazy chest & back workout today with Roger Snipes! Wicked workout bro!", said Ulisses. Both haven't started their diets yet for MM Universe but are impressive in thick, off-season shape. Ulisses & Roger will be at FIBO next month in Germany.
New MM French star Greg Vong says he's getting ready for MM Universe in Miami. But from the looks of this new shot, he is already nearly in contest shape. At 5'8", 193 lbs., the 24 year old clerk is maintaining good size and hopes not to drop below 185 for show time. MM Universe will be Greg's first contest outside of France and amazingly also his first open level event.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

He's only competed in the same South Carolina competition in three consecutive years winning the teenage, junior and open division. Malcolm Sirmons has since taken off two years to training and develop his physique and says he's now preparing for Musclemania® Universe. "I am ready for the move up to Musclemania®", Malcolm says. "I think I got the mass and symmetry to take on those big guys." At 5'11", 225 lbs., the 24 year old lifetime natural plans to compete above 200 lbs in June. 
Model Universe competitor Max Phillsaire is looking crazy in this new back shot. The 30 year old former US Army paratrooper runs one of the most popular personal trainer services in Hollywood, California. At 5'11", 200 lbs., Max is lifetime natural has one of the most incredible physique in the business.  He has appeared in numerous commercials, print advertising campaigns and live appearances. 
MM Pro Morris Mendez (center) was looking beefy recently when meeting up with MM Britain stars Shane Raymond(left) and Jaime Alderton. They represent Grenade Nutrition, a British supplement company, and posed in front of the company's tank on display at a fitness convention.  Morris is training for MM Universe in Miami and will take on Roger Snipes, another amazing new MM Pro from Britain whom will be makling his MM Pro debut.  Both Shane and Jaime are undecided in which show(s) they will be competing this season. 
Musclemania® MW bodybuilder Jay Diaz says, "So long, Jersey Shore. Hello, South Beach!" The 5'8", 180 lbs. has been living in Jersey City for the past few years but is heading back home. Hay says, "I miss my family and especially the weather. It makes you want to get up and out and train and look good." Jay will be competing at the MM New England in April and MM Universe in June. 

Friday, March 16, 2012

New Mexico natural sports model and bodybuilding star Bobby Hinojos just sent this new shot as continues his off-season training and conditioning. But when most bodybuilders are heavy and not in shape, he is staying lean and developing muscle only this season. The 5'10", 195 lbs. courier promises a shocking new physique on stage at Musclemania® America in Las Vegas in November. 
'09 Musclemania® New Mexico Junior Champion Fernando Valeriano is jumping up to the Open Division at the show in May. Still just 22 years old, the 6'2", 240 lbs. engineering college student has taken the past two years to just build his physique. Now 20 lbs.heavier, Fernando expects to compete no less than   220 lbs. Fernando started competing when he was just 18 years old at the '09 MM New Mexico. 

Thursday, March 15, 2012

After winning the '11 Musclemania® California Championships, Anthony Mangione went one to take 2nd at MM America LW Class in Las Vegas. The 29 year old Mc Donald's franchise owner says natural bodybuilding is his passion. "I have only competed for one year but exercising and a drug free lifestyle is something I have been doing for 12 years, consistently. I am planning on competing most likely once again at MM California show and setting my sites on taking the LW title in Vegas this year. I am focusing on putting on 2 or 3 pounds of lean muscle to thicken my physique to be right at 165 lbs."
Always a natural bodybuilding advocate, Peruvian Luis Bellatin has developed a muscular and aesthetic physique. As a lifelong natural athlete, he says it is a challenge to stay steroid free when most competitive Peruvian bodybuilders use them. "I just never wanted to risk my health and use the drugs," explains Luis. "I enjoy lifting weights and building my muscles, but I always wish to be clean." aT 5'10", 220 lbs., Luis is training for MM South America in Argentina. "It will be my first natural show, so I am really forward to competing with bodybuilders like myself."
Chiliean Eduardo Navarrete is a powerful natural bodybuilder whom is training for MM South America in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Spliting his time between economic & business college studies, working two jobs and daily training, he dedication is exceptional. At 5'9", 230 lbs. in the off-season, Eduardo's training is on point. He explains, "I am beginning the fourth week of my force period, from a total of 8 weeks. As I said previously is a period of very heavy basic movements and a range of 1 to 5 reps. For the body it is quite overload despite being accompanied by a diet high in carbohydrates. But it is necessary if I want to improve my physique, gain muscle and achieve a more rocky and dense hard look in competition"
With just one year of sports modeling, Guatemalan Juan Menesses is turning the Latin modeling industry upside down. At 6'2", 200 lbs., the 22 year old architecture student is training for Model America in Las Vegas in November. Since competing at '11 Model Universe where he was a Top 5 Finalist, Juan has been developing and transforming his physique. He just sent this photo and update:

"I want to try something new to my body, I want to shock it! So, these next 2-3 weeks, I'll be doing a 'diet' or change my nutrition for this next few days. Due to my 'bulking status' what I want to do is a diet that leads me to gain extra weight after dieting. In that process, I will 'play' with my foods and see what works better for me before my real preparation starts in mid-September. Here's a leg shot which are my biggest target. I think they are responding in a good way to the hardcore training, definitively a big difference from last year. It will be a whole new body I will bring this year to the stage!"
‎'11 Musclemania® America Junior Champions Terrance Harris and Corey Upton dominated the LW and HW classes, respectively. The Arizona natural bodybuilders occasionally train together and have concentrating on growth and symmetry since the show. Currently, Terrance is 5'6", 180 lbs. and Corey is 6'2", 225 lbs. and both in crazy lean condition even in the off season.
Musclemania phenom Robert Gibbs barely lost the LHW Class at '11 MM America. He just sent this amazing shot after a shoulder workout this afternoon while still weighing 198 lbs.. Robert says he's getting leaner by the day without loosing any muscle size. He's training for MM Universe in Miami in June and says, "I am not loosing mass this time. Big and ripped. I will be 15 lbs. bigger."
Can you believe that this body has never been on stage before?! It belongs to Reggie Miles who watched the '10 MM Florida and '11 MM Universe and had everyone turning heads. But the 5'10", 200 lbs. powerlifter says, "I didn't want to do it until my leg were ready. It's taken me a couple of year, but I am ready now." Reggie stays leans all year, so contest dieting will mean nothing for him. We will see him on stage, in action at MM Universe in Miami in 3 months.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Musclemania® Pro Roger Snipes just sent this update about his training for MM Universe.

"Still training hard. Every time I look in the mirror or take a snap I seem to find that my arms are out sizing everything else. I've actually stop training arms about 4 weeks ago and allow it to be trained through the secondary exercise. Otherwise it will look grotesque. Trained shoulders today and noticed as its a pushing movement my triceps responded actively. Weight is still hovering the 220/224 lbs. region. My main focus is just muscle quality right now with concentrating on my range of motion in my movements. I'll be looking big for FIBO in Germany next month but more ripped for Miami."

MM Pro Antwaun Smith says he's training heavy and maintaining size while dieting for MM Universe in Miami in June. "I have been catching some workouts with (MM Pro) Dewayne J Malone and the intensity it killer," he said. Antwaun will be competing in the MM Pro Tall Class and Dewayne in the Short Class.

Monday, March 12, 2012

‎'11 Musclemania® Texas Novice Champ Ezra Dew has always been a competitive athlete. And, the 5'9", 180 lbs. natural bodybuilder is one of Houston's most respected personal trainers. As a Sergeant in the United States Marine Corps, Ezra was responsible for training new recruits including a getting them strong and fit in a short period of time. While in the Corps, he was assigned as US Embassy Officer in Stockholm, Sweden and Caracas, Venezuela and responsible for the Marines health and fitness. Ezra not only helped the Marines gain strength and endurance, but improved their overall health. He implemented a nutritional program that greatly improved the health of the Marines. Ezra left the military after 7 fulfilling years with the Marine Corps. His program was very effective and continues to be a part of the team's routine to this day. Currently, Ezra is training for MM Universe in Miami in June. ‎
Bryan Gottwald is just 19 years old, but he's already competed in two bodybuilding shows including the '11 MM Space City in Houston where he won the Teenage Division. Born and raised in Atlanta, he began training nearly 3 years ago at just 125 lbs. Today, Bryan weighs 170 lbs. at 5'9". Bryan explains, "I created a  - vision when I was 18 and have been chasing it ever since. I want to be the best of the best one day - the person people don't want to stand next to on stage. Right now its back to the trenches for a harsh off season plan working on bringing up weak points and building a quality physique. Everything can and will improve and I plan on coming out next year to blow away my competition. I love this sport it grounds me and brings a meaning to my life and I feel its my job to show what I can really achieve and defy the odds. I have a daily drive for success and am always motivated for something more."
'99 Musclemania® World Champion Delino Dixon is a legend among natural bodybuilders. The Las Vegas casino dealer competed at 6'1", 230 lbs. and may have been a goliath among heavyweights but was always a gentleman. Most of all, Delino still represents natural bodybuilding and MM with integrity. a No longer a competitor, he is a judge each year at the MM World Championships in Las Vegas.
MM Pro Victor Montoya may not have been on the MM stage for a couple of years. But the Honduran natural bodybuilder has been training while completing his college degree.  The 5'6", 180 lbs. former MM Central America Champion will be making a guest appearance at MM Maya on El Salvador on May 5. He will join fellow MM greats including Johnny Vasquez and Christian Gomez on stage and autograph photos for their fans.
MM Pro Ulisses Jr. is dieting for his appearance at FIBO in Germany next month. He will also be making a guest posing appearance at MM Europe in Paris in October. Ulisses says, "I will be in shape and ready to meet my European fans. I really want to impress and looking forward to seeing everyone." The , 5'10", 220 lbs.'10 MM World Pro Champion is currently training for MM Universe in Miami.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Connecticut natural athlete Carlos will be making his MM debut next month at MM New England. The 32 year old actor, fitness & runway model has competed in various other competitions, but MM will be his first natural event. As a lifetime natural bodybuilder, Carlos felt the time was right after competing in a few untested shows, being a Top 5 Finalist and knew that he would have to start juicing to be more competitive. "It just wasn't for me," he says. At 6'4", 210 lbs., Carlos has a very athletic physique suitable for natural bodybuilding and sports modeling. He appeared in the flick "Diamond Ruff" as a police officer, Nina Martinez's music video "Welcome to the Jungle" remix, a CBS "Unforgettable" episode, has done some stunt driving and much more. Carlos is very focused on his training but as a business man and father, he is also wants to be a role model for others. He says, "I'm keeping my head up high, back straight and feet in motion to help others by being a inspiration thru my bodybuilding career. I hope all become dedicated, motivated and one with mind, body and soul to find there way to a better and healthier lifestyle!" Carlos will be a major force at MM New England both physically and mentally. He's always been driven to succeed and the show will be just one more step in his life.
MM Pro Ulisses Jr. is dieting for his appearance at FIBO in Germany next month. He will also be making a guest posing appearance at MM Europe in Paris in October. Ulisses says, "I will be in shape and ready to meet my European fans. I really want to impress and looking forward to seeing everyone." The 5'10", 220 lbs., '10 MM World Pro Champion is currently training for MM Universe in Miami.
Sicilian natural bodybuilder Cristian Guastella has been competing at MM Universe for the past three years and finished in the Top 5 last season. Now the sports supplement store chain owner is training for a return to Miami. At 5'5", the LW competitor brings an aesthetic look to the stage and bigger than actual illusion.
MM Pro Morris Mendez just announced he'll be making a guest posing appearance at MM New England next month at Foxwoods Resort Casino. He says, "It's right here near my home, so I am really excited to put on a good show for everyone especially my friends and fans." Although Morris is in off-season training, it hasn't affected his world class shape and conditon. "Ya, I want to add at least 5 lbs. of muscle before my next competition, but I am still keeping everything real tight. Just increased my eating, more lean meats, lifting heavy and cardio", Morris explains.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

‎'11 Model America Top 5 Finalist Alan Valdez caught this Chippendales billboard while competing in Las Vegas last November. Comparing abs, he shrugged, "What's with that?!" Over the past 4 years, Alan has always been a Top 5 Finalist at Model America and Universe shows. But he is transforming his 185 lbs. model body into a 200 lbs. bodybuilder physique. "I am tired of having just a lean model look and want to compete with the muscle guys," Alan says. "I saw Morris (Mendez), Ulisses and the other guys in Las Vegas and think I can beat them. I just need to build the muscle." Alan will be at MM Universe in Miami, so we will see what 15 more muscle model pounds looks like on him.