
Monday, January 9, 2012

24 Week Plan

Just in from MM Pro Matt Liller:

"After a year and a half of being in "off-season" mode, my contest preparations for the Musclemania Pro Universe have recently begun. Yes, I know the competition isn't until June, but that's only about 24 weeks away. Despite what anyone says I believe a natural bodybuilder needs 20+ weeks of preparation to be in true stage condition.

I had the honor and privilege to attend the Fitness America Weekend in Las Vegas and watch the MM Professional Division. Watching some of the best bodybuilders in the world battle it out was extremely inspiring, especially knowing that I'll be up there with those same guys in just a few months. Aside from amazing physiques, the guys are great people. Shout outs to Morris Mendez, Ulisses Jr., Jeff Beckham, and Dickens Lambert (who's condition was amazing) for giving me extra fuel for my preparations. Also, congrats to all the new pros that were crowned that day, especially Law Payne and Griffin Datcher III who I got to speak with at some length.

You'll be hearing from me regularly over the next 5 months of prep, hopefully including some vids (both interview and training clips) and progress pictures."

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