
Friday, November 29, 2013

Musclemania Pro Ulisses Jr. had the audience on their feet in cheers at the MM World in Las Vegas. At 5'10", 195 lbs., the 36 year old dominated the MM Pro Division with incredible muscle size, lean condition and supreme symmetry earning a perfect score in both the Prelims and Finals. "It is the best I have ever looked," Ulusses says. "I trained so hard for this show, dieted like never before. I gave up a lot of time from my family, but now I am the MM World Champion. It feels great!" Complete results are posted at
Musclemania® Pros Chul Soon (L) and Simeon Panda (R) backstage at MM World last weekend in Las Vegas. Chul finished 2nd Medium Class to Ulisses Jr while Simeon captured 3rd Tall Class. Both stars are now in Los Angeles for photos shoots this week before return back home to Korea and England, respectively.
New Musclemania World Champions Nathan Wallace, Open (L) and Kwame Jack-Duah, Junior (R) were a big surprise to the Las Vegas audience last weekend in Las Vegas. Nathan is an avid powerlifter in the off-season and added 10 lbs. of muscle since his last MM World in 2011. At 5'9", 196 lbs., Kwane is a 19 year old phenom who won MM Australia a few weeks before.
Musclemania Pro Larry Camacho says he's the happiest bodybuilder in earth. "I haven't competed for two years and really wasn't sure how I'd match up again those mass monsters," Larry says. But, in his MM Pro debut, at 5'7", 181 lbs., Larry placed 4rd Place Short Class. "I am back into it and will come back next year ready to match mass for mass."
At 5'9", Korean superstar and Musclemania® Pro Chul Soon says he's hanging at 203 lbs. "I am carbed up right now and will start cutting back next week," he explains. Chul will soon compete at MM World in Las Vegas and says he will compete around 195 lbs., the same as last year when he won the show. "I will be a lot leaner with more maturity. I will have a different physique in Las Vegas." Chul's friends back home in Korea and MM fans worldwide will be able watch the show LIVE on on Saturday, November 23.
Shot yesterday after his chest workout, Musclemania® Pro Ulisses says, "I'm drained and ready for this so bad," referring to MM World in Las Vegas next weekend. The 5'10", 205 lbs., natural phenom continues, "I have put everything in to this show. And, my wife and kids have given up so much so that I could have the time to train and dedicate to the show. Bodybuilding's been my career since the first show. I got to win." Ulisses makes his appearance next weekend with over 500 other amazing fitness men and women in the biggest natural show in the world.
He may not have won the recent MM New York, but Jersey boy Jay Diaz has developed incredibly over the past few years. The 5'10", 185 lbs., 22 year old college student focused all season on conditioning and created a more quality physique and it has paid off big time. Next season, he's planning to take the stage at MM Universe in Miami.
Former Musclemania® America Champion and MM Pro Dewayne Malone is shedding his threads and starting to show what to expect at MM World in Las Vegas. The 5'7", 185 lbs., Texas fitness celebrity is parleying his bodybuilding passion and MM competition appearances into a burgeoning commercial and media career. Dewayne will step on stage on Saturday night, November 23 and posedown against the world's best natural bodybuilders.
Musclemania® Europe Junior Champion Ovidiu Voicu is so totally ripped and ready for the MM World in Las Vegas next Saturday. The 5'6", 175 lbs., college student has the killer instinct on stage and will take on MM Mid America junior sensation Donte Franklin. In the
words of rapper Tupac Shakur, Ovi says, "Am I wrong cause I wanna get it on till I die? Get it on till I die. Get it on till I die. Y'all, Y'all remember me."

As the youngest bodybuilder to become a Musclemania® Pro,Julian Navarro was a complete surprise to the judges and fans in the Miami Beach. The 5'7", 178 lbs., 22 year old college student won the Junior Division and Open title! Julian will be in Las Vegas next week not to compete but to support his fellow MM Pros. "I am going to the show to help the guys any way they need, prepping, backstage warm-up, whatever," Julian explains. Because he's dedicated to finishing school next semester, Julian is using the down time to train and grow. "I want to be ready for next year when I return to Miami. I want people to see a new body on stage."
It is common opinion that Musclemania® Pro Ty Ogedegbe won MM Universe in June because of his condition. And, the 5'8", 200 lbs., London based trainer hasn't forgotten it. With two weeks before MM World in Las Vegas, Ty is already contest ready as seen in this lat spread shot taken last weekend. He says, "The gym is my jungle and I'm putting in work like a Lion! I'm paying extra focus on each and every angle of whatever muscle group I'm working on. Always pay attention to detail. I feel this is what separates your physique from everybody else."
As a complete newcomer to the stage, Azz Matinee nearly won the Musclemania® Physique Paris Champion-
ships held last month. The 6', 175 lbs., 22 year old French National Police officer has been training for 5 years but never thought about competing until his friend
Michael Henrique encouraged him to do so. Now, with so much attention focused on him, Azz is training for next season. "I am eating a lot more calories than ever before but keeping it real clean," he explains. "I see now what I can do, so I want to gain a lot of muscle size for my next show." Azz says he wants to jump up to bodybuilding and will compete at MM Europe.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Looking insane at 230 lbs., Musclemania® Pro Simeon Panda appears contest ready with a month to go. He says, "Good chest workout today. I am looking forward to my finger being 100% soon and excited about the next few weeks leading up to the Musclemania® Championships in Las Vegas. I can't wait to get even more shredded."
'13 Musclemania® Europe Junior Champion Ovidiu Voicu is so ready for MM World in Las Vegas. Since winning the show in June, the 5'6", 175 lbs., 22 year old college student has seemed to grow in thickness and density while keeping his weight the same. "I just kept eating clean but bumped my calories and matched it with cardio," Ovi says. "So, I am getting leaner and bigger and the same time." Ovi will take on the best junior natural bodybuilders in the world in Las Vegas next month.
He's never competed, but Alex Rendon is already getting a lot of attention. The 5'7", 185 lbs., 20 year old lifter was picked up by Met-Rx and appeared at recent, major Colombian sports fitness convention. "It was so weird to get all the attention from people," he admits. "I train in a small town and never before was in front of the public." Alex is training for Musclemania® Columbia next season and then MM Universe in Miami.
Musclemania® Pro and natural legend Ulisses says he's already beyond ready for MM World Pro in Las Vegas next month. At 5'10", he still hanging at 205 lbs., ripped and ready. "I kept my diet clean all year and cardio nearly everyday," Ulisses says. "So, I was able to eat nearly as much as I wanted. I am going to be so thick for this show and leaner than ever. Nothing's left to chance." Ulisses will face the biggest MM Pro line-up ever, so he's got to have his game down. MM will broadcast LIVE from Las Vegas on Saturday, November 23, 7 PM ET, 4 PM PT.
French natural star Greg Vong looked outstanding at the recent Musclemania® Paris. The 5'7", 176 lbs., 32 year old trainer didn't win but was among the crowd favorite with his thick muscle bellies, classic symmetry and lean condition. "I actually stay in shape all year, really never more than 6-7% bodyfat," Greg says. Greg is a media star in France, always popular on and off stage.

Congrats to all of the winners at the Fitness Texas Champs last weekend in Ft. Worth. Over 100 of the state's best natural competitors were on stage participating at the sold-out show! Many of the finalists will now move on to compete at the Fitness America Weekend in Las Vegas next month. Complete show results and photo gallery will be posted this week.
It is common opinion that Musclemania® Pro Ty Ogedegbe won MM Universe in June because of his condition. And, the 5'8", 200 lbs., London based trainer hasn't forgotten it. With two weeks before MM World in Las Vegas, Ty is already contest ready as seen in this lat spread shot taken last weekend. He says, "The gym is my jungle and I'm putting in work like a Lion! I'm paying extra focus on each and every angle of whatever muscle group I'm working on. Always pay attention to detail. I feel this is what separates your physique from everybody else."
He nearly won the '12 MM World Pro Champs and Antony Bessala says in two weeks he'll be back in Las Vegas for the kill! The 6'1", 215 lbs., French trainer is fuller, thicker and just as lean as last year. "I just stayed tight all season and worked on my weaknesses," explains Antony. Always the underdog, he brings to the stage a complete physique which catches the judges attention and easily overshadows most of the other taller bodybuilders in his height class.

Canadian natural star Samuel Dixon was looking impressive last week after a workout.. The 6'1", 220 lbs. MM Pro is aiming for MM World in Las Vegas where he promises to bring a whole new physique to the stage. "I got my game down for this show," Sam explains. "I'm on a new diet and focused on my arms and lats."
Musclemania Pro legend Ade Rai has turned natural bodybuilding into an illustrious commercial career and philanthropic work. At 5'11", 200 lbs., the Indonesian superstar recently appeared on the runway at the Jakarta Fashion Week (photo). Ade trains regularly with brother-in-law Ricky Syamsuri and is helping him prepare for MM World Pro.
Australian engineer Denham Raveen- drakumar says he's ready for Model America in Las Vegas next month. The 5'8", 185 lbs. Melbourne trainer is a popular commercial sports model having appeared in numerous magazines, campaigns and runway shows. "It's time to take all this hard work to another level, Denham says. "I have worked on my legs all year just so that I am really complete on stage. I want to have the symmetry to match my condition." Denham will be among over 100 other sports models from around the world.

MM Pro Ulisses Jr. announced he's training for Musclemania® Pro in Las Vegas next month. After a 2 year hiatus, the 5'10", 218 lbs., former MM Superbody Champion says he's on his game. "I've trained and added some quality muscle but kept it all lean, all season," Ulisses says. "This body's been hammered and its ready. Its showtime!"
Musclemania® Pro and '12 MM World Pro Champion Chul Soon says he's training more intense than ever. The 5'9", 195 lbs., 30 year old Korean superstar explains, "I got 6 weeks until Las Vegas. I have stayed in good shape all year and my weight never got higher than 200 lbs. But, I concentrated on my symmetry . . . arms and calves especially. I really want to be better than last year. Now I am training twice a day, 6 days a week. My diet is strict and lean." Chul is shaking up the MM Pros HW's with some already scared to take him on and are backing out of the show. It will be intense!
Musclemania® Universe Champion Julian Navarro was captured by famed muscle photographer Luis Rafael in Miami. Putting his training into cruise control since the June show, the 5'7", 175 lbs., 22 year old college student says he's back into the gym twice day and hitting it hard. "I got my food stocked in the freezer for the month, my sups lined-up and my school and work schedule all set," Julian says. "I want to have a new physique for next season."
Musclemania® Pros Ricky Syamsuri and Syed Fazli (L-R) were looking big lean in Bali, Indonesia last week. With over 10 years competing as MM Pros, both Asian stars are known for the classic symmetry and condition on stage. At 5'7", 185 lbs., Ricky has been training for MM World in Las Vegas next month and says nothing's going to stop him from winning the Pro LW Class.Musclemania® Pros RICKY SYAMSURI and SYED FAZLI (L-R) were looking big lean in Bali, Indonesia last week. With over 10 years competing as MM Pros, both Asian stars are known for the classic symmetry and condition on stage. At 5'7", 185 lbs., Ricky has been training for MM World in Las Vegas next month and says nothing's going to stop him from winning the Pro LW Class.
Musclemania® Pro Ty Ogedegbe continues to prove you should never underestimate the underdog. At MM Universe in Miami, the 5'8", 200 lbs. trainer knocked off a lot of MM Pro veterans in an upset victory and took home the overall title. Now, Ty is plotting his attack at MM World in Las Vegas next month. The British financial investment manager says, "I am staying real lean and tight but growing some good size where I need it. I know symmetry is my challenge and that's what I am working on." Some of the MM Pros who Ty took down are pouting and boycotting the show. Good thing because by all accounts they would have faced a even bigger threat on stage.
Texas star Amin Shahry hasn't competed for two years, but the 5'6", 195 lbs. fitness instructor and powerlifter hasn't slack in his training. The lifetime natural lifter started competing at the '05 MM America when it was in Hollywood, California, and has kept getting thicker and more conditioned. He says, "I will probably compete again next year. Just got to get some things square and then I will be ready." Amin competes in powerlifting and strongman events but says he really likes the discipline it takes to be a great bodybuilder. "There's just a level of respect for these guys."
Azz Matinee had never competed before last weekend, but the 22 year old French police officer was one of the most popular competitors at Musclemania® Physique Paris. At 6'1", 176 lbs., Azz has been training for 4 years and says he does cardio every day. "I never thought about competing before, but when my friend Michael Henrique started getting ready for the show, I thought, 'Why now?'," Azz explains. Thick, lean, thin skin and symmetrical, Azz actually has incredible bodybuilding potential, too. "I will see that I can do and gain some serious muscle size. I have never really trained for bodybuilding, but my bodies grows muscle quick." Azz says he will take 6 months off for training and will prepare for '14 MM Europe in Croatia.
France's Michael Henriques competed in his first competition last weekend. He won the Musclemania Paris MW Class and surprised everyone including himself. The 5'5", 170 lbs., 27 year old former soldier served in Afghanistan and says he applied his military training to his training and nutrition regimen. "I think I like this," Michael said backstage. "I think this is for me." His next show will be MM Europe next June. "You are going to see a new Michael," he said this week.

With nearly 150 natural competitors from throughout Europe and America, last weekend's Musclemania® Paris was an electric show! Held at the awe inspiring Cite de Sciences Amphitheatre the performances were outstanding and talent among the best seen in Europe in many years.
With nearly 150 natural competitors from throughout Europe and America, last weekend's Musclemania® Paris was an electric show! Held at the awe inspiring Cite de Sciences Amphitheatre the performances were outstanding and talent among the best seen in Europe in many years.
Pennsylvanian Nico Scipione has never competed, but the 5'10", 175 lbs., 19 year old college student is virtually show ready all year! "My plans are to keep building and step on stage next season at least 10 lbs. bigger," he says. Nico trains with Musclemania Superbody Physique Champion Nick Morrell and says about Nico, "The kid's got incredible intensity and smarts. Match that with his genetics, Nico's going wipe up the competition!"