
Saturday, March 30, 2013

'12 MM America Champion Patricia BECKMAN's looking strong and sassy. The Kansas City personal trainer has been training for years and won virtually every natural women's bodybuilding title before taking on Musclemania. Patricia is taking off the season as she plans on getting married to MM Pro Law Payne and starting a family.
Pumped after his 5:30 AM workout yesterday, MM Pro Morris Mendez is looking thick and sick! At 5'10", 210 lbs., the legendary natural star says he's only getting bigger. "I got some magazine shoots coming up, so I've clean-up my diet but still trying to add size." Morris will be at MM New England next month to meet fans and sign free photo autographs.
'12 MM Europe Junior Champion Tavi Castro is getting leaner as he's gaining muscle. At 5'7", 178 lbs., the 21 year old engineering student is at his biggest and leanest since starting to bodybuild two years ago. How's he doing it? "I use calorie deficit carb cycling as my main contest and photo shoot prep method," Tavi explains. "I found long stretches of low carb depletion without an occasional refeed depleted my muscles too much and the risk of muscle loss increases. During the lowest carb days of the cycle I gradually increase BCAA daily intake from 10g to approx 30g on the no carb days. This helps protect the precious muscle mass which is keeping your lean body mass higher and your metabolism burning! I also lift heavier even through the depletion." Tavi will be making a guest appearance at MM Europe in Rome and MM Universe in Miami Beach.
MM World Pro Champion Chul Soon is looking thick and in good condition. At 5'10", 205 lbs. the Korean trainer has been busy with television appearances, photo and commercial shoots. Chul says he's skipping MM Universe and training for MM World in November. "I am just too bust to diet properly for the show," he explains. "So, it is better both for my work and training to aim for Las Vegas. Its been a lucky place for me." Chul will also be making special appearances at MM Philippines in Manila and MM Asia in Singapore.
Just 22 year old and with only a couple of shows experience Salman Ahmad says he's training harder than ever for MM Universe in June. Currently at 5'8", 192 lbs., the Pakistan college student istraining twice a day, 6 days a week. He and over 10 other bodybuilders will be part of Team Pakistan in Miami Beach.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Model Universe competitor Max Phillisaire lashing out on Santa Monica Beach, California. The 5'10", 185 lbs., former US Army paratrooper is one of Hollywood's top personal trainers.  Max started out as a Florida personal trainer but then got up one day, said to himself, "I need to move to California", packed his bags and never went back.  Since then, his business has been thriving along with his physique.  Max competed only once, atr the '09 Model Universe but never stepped back on stage.
French natural bodybuilder Greg Vong keeps improving. Developing good, clean, lean muscle at 5'8", 183 lbs., he is working on symmetry. "After the Musclemania in Miami, I knew I had to work my legs," Greg says. Always a popular with the photographers, he recognized the importance of symmetry on stage. "That why I want to be good. I know its a hard and long work, but I'm patient and doing my best." If Greg's ready, he may decide to compete at MM Paris in October.
Just in from Ulisses Jr. training in London, "Here's another monster pump pic for my fans! Like Arnie said, 'A bodybuilder's pump is sometimes better than sex'." Today at 5'9", 209 lbs., Ulisses is contest ready with still 3 months before MM Universe! "I intend on growing up to the show. I could compete tomorrow, so I have no choice but to add more muscle." More from Ulisses, soon, as he heads to Miami Beach.
MM Pro Benjamin Radic says he's almost done building his new personal fitness training center in Slovenia and will have the Grand Opening next month. Concurrently, he's dieting hard to get ready for an on-line catalog photo shoot for his new sponsor and European sports nutrition brand, Nutrend. At 5'9", 232 lbs., Ben is staying thick as he leans out. "I'm staying on my diet for FIBO (the German fitness expo) and then Rome and Miami," he explains. Ben plans taking on all competitors at MM Europe and MM Universe. "I want to make Musclemania Pro and I am going to do it this year!"
British star and lifetime natural Simeon Panda sent this shot, yesterday afternoon. At 6'1", 226 lbs., this guy stays lean, never gets fat and just keeps growing for his appearances this spring at FIBO in Germany, Body Power in England and competition stage debuts at MM Europe in Rome and MM Universe in Miami Beach. Simeon says, "I just smashed up shoulders today and I'm feeling great," he says. "Progress is reflecting effort and right now the effort is immense. I'm loving training more every session like I just started, you wouldn't think I've been doing this 11 years. I swear the harder I hit it, the more fun I have, the more progress I make. Its a win win situation. You really need to try and enjoy it. Don't focus too hard on the goal, enjoy the journey."

Oh, is this guy is stupid looking or what?! Christian Gomez won the '09 MM Central America and is training for MM Universe in Miami Beach in June. At 5'9", 202 lbs., the aircraft maintenance worker has won nearly every major Central American bodybuilding title and says he's ready to move into the Musclemania big leagues. "Since the last show four years ago, I've added like 20 lbs. of muscle. I think I am ready to compete in the US." If the rest of Christian's body looks like his back, the show's going to be a fast one!
Hiding in his military fatigues, MM Pro Sid Lindsey has learn how to make military cuisine work for his bodybuilding regimen. Stationed at Ramstein Air Base in Germany, the USAF TSgt trains off-base at a local gym. At 5'9", 195 lbs., Sid won the '12 MM Universe and is waiting until next season to make his MM Pro debut . . . with what he promises with be "a much bigger and overwhelming physique".

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Someone forget to tell Ulisses that MM Universe is over 3 months away! At 5'10", 215 lbs., this guy is looking stupid thick and ripped and more classic symmetry than ever in this shot taken today after a chest workout. Ulisses says, "The pump is unreal!" More of his shots as Ulisses gets ready for Miami Beach.
'11 MM HW Runner-Up Adrain Childers looks like he's leaning out but for what? He hasn't let on if he's competing this season. But with 18, uninterrupted months of heavy duty training, Adrain has added some serious muscle to his 6'3" frame. Whether or not he competes probably won't be known until he arrives at the show.
Easily a dominate winner at the '12 MM Universe in Miami,Sid Lindsey brought to the stage amazing muscle size and crazy condition. As a US Air Force Sgt., the virtual newcomer to competitive bodybuilding trains on base in Germany. At 5'10", 225 lbs., Sid says, "Here's a shot from today's arm session. Two a days have started. Its time to get ripped & shredded! I'm getting ready for a magazine shoot during an upcoming visit back home to the States." Because of his military commitments, Sid won't be competing this season. But that will only inure to create an even more impressive physique when he makes his MM Pro debut next year.
MM Pro Sasho Ognenovski was full, thick and ripped at '12 MM World in Las Vegas. The 5'10", 185 lbs., Australian fitness center owner was caught here doing a light pump up the night before the show. Sasho says, "I was feeling the progress of the whole carbing up process. If you are properly carbed up, you should be able to achieve a good pump with minimum resistance, the skin should be tight with veins running through it." And, Sasho had his share of veins and much more on stage.
Musclemania Pro David Hicks played NFL football for the Kansas City Chiefs before taking up serious bodybuilding and competitive training. Now, the 6'2", 245 lbs. is a Houston, Texas, high school teacher and football coach is training for the MM season. "I will be coming into the show with a lot better symmetry and condition," David says. "It will be a game changer."
'12 Model Mexico Champion Fernando Valdez has added muscle and leaner as he prepares for Model Universe in Miami Beach. The 21 year old college student says, "I realize that winning in Mexico was great and helped launch me. But, I need to bring a new look for the international scene. I will be ready for show time!" The 5'11", 185 lbs. trainer will be joined by fellow Mexican models Luis Alberto Guerra Martínez and Memo Rodriguez as they lead Team Mexico at the Fitness Universe Weekend. 
Ovidiu Voicu made his stage debut last year at MM Europe. Now the 21 year old junior, Romanian natural bodybuilder says he's planning to bring a whole new physique to MM Europe in Rome. At 5'7", 176 lbs., Ovi has added 20 lbs. of muscle in the past two years. He's now training with his younger teenage brother who will soon make his stage debut. They live in a small village about 2 hours from the nearest city, so their training has been self taught and by experience.

Dutch junior bodybuilder Rico Van Huizen traveled to England and won the '11 MM Britain Junior Championships. But, the 21 year old college student hasn't been on stage since. Rico says, "As I am still busy with the University of Applied Sciences, I just don't have the time needed for serious competitive bodybuilding. But, my training is still going good although my tendonitis in the knee is still being a huge struggle for almost 1 year. If I am planning to compete again in the seniors, I want to make sure my legs are back in business!" Despite these challenges, Rico is mentally driven and will thrive academically and physically.
Pennsylvania college student Nick Morrell was the '12 Model Superbody Champion. But, the 5'10", 185 lbs. personal trainer says to expect a lot more from him this season. "I am training harder than ever and really want my body to change before the next time I'm on stage ," Nick says. "I still want to be a sports models, but I know my muscles can develop more. I just have to find the right balance." Nick will be a guest host at the Superbody Championships in Atlantic City on September 7.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

New British natural sensation Simeon Panda (L) and MM Pro legend Ulisses Jr. two weekends ago after a workout in London. Although Simeon has been training in London for years, they had never met or trained before. Hanging tight at 6'1", 226 lbs., Simeon is heading to Rome for MM Europe and then Miami Beach for MM Universe. After laying low last season, Ulisses is 5'10", 220 lbs. and is training for a return to the stage this season at MM Universe, Superbody and World wanting to make it a triple header.
'12 Model America Champion Tavi Castro is looking insanely bigger and leaner than when he competed in November. The 5'8", 180 lbs. engineering student says he will have a new physique the next time he's on stage and ready to rock Musclemania. Tavi, who lives in The Netherlands, will make a guest appearance at the Europe show in Rome on June 15-16.
MM Pro Nario Miyano has been a MM athlete for nearly 15 years! The 5'6", 160 lbs. personal trainer represents the Japanese natural bodybuilding scene and has appeared in numerous magazine, television shows and personal appearances. Each year, Narion brings a small team of Japanese athletes to Fitness Universe and Fitness America.
'11 MM Africa Champion Meshack Ochieng moved from his native Kenya to Springfield, Illinois. Talk about culture shock! But even more so, last weekend he attended the Arnold Classic for the first time and surprised so many people. Not because he competed, but that at 5'1", 178 lbs., he was a natural wonder walking the event. Meshack says, "Nobody believed that one can achieve this body like mine naturally. In ten years I have been in the gym, I know what workout is good for me and how to do it without relaying on training programs of other people. I believe in myself." Meshack is currently training for MM Universe on June 28-29 in Miami Beach.
At a recent public sports festival held in Mexico, MM Mexico competitor Javier Cano and his wife Vanesa and sons,Leonel (l) and Angel (r) were feature presenters. Javier and Vanesa have competed in many MM Mexico, Universe and America shows. Their uncle is MM Pro Genaro Alvarado who won the '11 MM World Pro LW Class. Seven year old Angel did a guest performance at the '12 MM America in Las Vegas and, of course, 5 year old Leonel tags along to all the shows supporting the family.
'12 MM Europe HW Champion Ben Radic is training now for MM Europe in Rome and MM Universe in Miami Beach. The 5'10", 215 lbs., Slovenia personal trainer is building a new fitness center which will open next month. "I will be able to take my clients to another level with the training at the new club," Ben's says. "It will have facilities not available any place else in the city." Good luck Ben with your new venture!

Sunday, March 3, 2013

As a professional dancer for 10 years, Mike Peele has appeared in such films as Stomp The Yard, Step Up 3D, Jack ASS 2 and more. He's also performed on MTV, NBC’s Saturday Night Live, BET Hip-Hop Awards, Travel Channel and has danced along side pop icons Madonna, Nicki Minaj, Livvi Frac, Rihanna, Beyonce & Destiny’s Child and many more. But over the past few years, Mike has added serious, heavy duty bodybuilding training and has completely changed his physique. At 5'10", he's approaching 220 lbs. in good condition and say's he's ready for show time. "I've always wanted to do this and I think I am ready this time," Mike explains. Mix his incredible dance talents with a new, crazy body and he will be rock the stage in the Fitness Universe Championships in Miami Beach.
Peruvian Luis Bellatin says sometimes he feels alone in the gym. The 5'10", 210 lbs. nutrition vendor has been lifetime natural and developed his physique through discipline and hard work. "I swear, most of the bodybuilders are on drugs and get big so fast," Luis says. "But, I have never wanted to use that s@!t and take too much care for my health. I am happy with my physique and keep it pretty lean and muscular all year. I don't really get out of shape. You know when you're natural, there's need to get all fat looking like the steroid bodybuilders do." Nonetheless, Luis is training for some local shows this season and then, hopefully, he says its on to MM Latino in the fall. "My dream is to compete in Musclemania. I just wish there was a natural show here in Peru."
Caught on camera last weekend training in Mexico City, Memo Rrodriguez (l), Luis Guerra (c) & Fernando Valdez(r) are three of Mexico's top sports fitness models. Memo is a newcomer to the competitive ranks while Luis and Fernando have both won the Model Mexico Championships . They will be competing at Model Universe in Miami Beach.
MM Pro Francisco Dominguez says he's in great off-season shape as he prepares for his MM Pro debut in Miami Beach in June. "I am still around 105 kgs. (231 lbs.) but lean," he explains. "I changed up my whole diet this season. Eating a lot of lean meets, low carbs and fats, and bumped up my cardio. And, I added flax seed to help keep the skin thin and tight. I will be ready for the stage."
Just 18 years old, Benjamin Cardel says he's just begun with his bodybuilding career. But, the Danish bio tech college student has been training for 4 years spending his high school years in the gym and not on the field. At 6', 176 lbs., Ben is sponsored by Tapout and appears in some of their television commercials. Ripped and conditioned, Ben says he will be competing at MM Paris in October.