
Tuesday, August 21, 2012

New MM Universe HW Champ and Musclemania Pro Kwesi is back into his off-season operation. He just sent this photo and says, "I am currently weighing 234 lbs. I'm training hard and heavy and eating clean stacking on mass. In my journey to 2013 MM Universe I'm helping other athletes hone their potential and doing whatever I can to give back to this sport." With Kwesi planning to make his MM Pro debut next season, he's got a whole season grow and condition his physique.
Congratulations '10 Model America Champion Kyle Clarke on his most recent cover, Reps! magazine. The former US Army Captain is a professional commercial model and actor and spokesman for MRI Sports Nutrition. Kyle will host the Fitness America Weekend in Las Vegas in November.
Congratulations '12 MM Mexico Champion Luis Guerra on his new Fisico y Fitness magazine cover! The television producer has been bodybuilding since a teenager but never competed until last May. Now the 5'10", 195 lbs. television producer is training for MM World in Las Vegas.
Teagan Rose was a track and field star in school and now is making his mark on the sports model and natural bodybuilding scene. The 24 year old personal trainer was a surprise at the Model Lone Star show in Texas and is now developing size for his foray on the Musclemania® stage. At 6' and a lean 215 lbs., Teagan is certain to snatch some natural titles in the coming season.

German natural bodybuilder Alon Gabbay is plowing through the summer and developing his physique. At 5'10", 186 lbs. and 6% bodyfat, here's his latest update:

"I'm enjoying the summer and feeling good. I have been able to put on a little bit of weight and maintain low body fat as I'm on a low carb diet. Basically I only eat carbs around my workouts. I work out 2 times per day, morning cardio on an empthy stomach and in the evenings I hit the gym for a weight training session followed by 25 minutes of spinning. Right after my morning run I eat a full meal that consists of oats, goat milk, blueberries, 2 scoops of protein shake and some nuts. I really love this meal as it tastes good and keep my energy levels high up until my evening workout.

I am going to stick to this diet for now and see how much I can improve. I want to gain at least 5 more kg while keeping this low body fat."
And, just when everyone thought that Jonathan Hernandez was the favorite to win MM Superbody Junior Championships next Saturday, along comes Julian Navarro. The Philadelphia college student just sent this new training shot looking just as thick, ripped and symmetrical (if not more). At 5'10", 175 lbs., Julian will bring to the stage a classic shape and a lean musculature. He has been competed for 4 years but took off some time to balance his symmetry with added muscle to his arms, chest and shoulders.
New Jersey junior natural phenom Jonathan Hernandez says he's finally in shape. "It took me a year, but I think I finally know how to get condition ripped," he says. At 5'10", 185 lbs., Jonathan will competing next weekend at MM Superbody at the Golden Nugget Hotel in Atlantic City. The 21 year old college student won the '11 MM New York and '12 MM New England Junior Championships, but, he says, "I never looked like this!"
MM Junior Fredrick J Smith is a lot thicker than his first show - '11 Musclemania® Texas. Now, 11 weeks from his return to the show, he's 5'6", 190 lbs. and says he will be much different. "I have added a lot of size, especially in the legs," Fred says. "I got like 18 more lbs. and all of it is quads, hams and calves. I want to have everything."
MM star Tom Duer is one week out from MM Superbody in Atlantic City. He says, "This morning, I was still holding 212 lbs. I keep getting leaner but not loosing much weight. Just water." Even if he looses 5 lbs. of water, Tom will compete at least 20 lbs. heavier that his last show in 2009.

Colombian Juan Ibarguen is preparing for his contest debut at Musclemania® next season. Already the 5'8", 175 lbs. 18 year old student has developed a thick, natural physique with good symmetriy and condition. But, he says he wants to wait
until he's added more muscle. "I've been training for 4 years, but I know I got to look a lot better if I am going to compete." Juan will be sending new photos every month so you can track his progress.
This guy's got to be one of biggest natutal on stage ever. MM Pro Griffin Datcher III made his MM Pro debut at MM Universe in Miami. Now, he's back into off-season mode. He says, "I'm still grindin'! This photo was taken recently after a quick back workout in Houston, Texas. I plan on taking the rest of the year off from competition to fine tune my body for the next year's events. I will start my eating program soon as if I am dieting down for a contest so I can come in right on point for the Musclemania® America in 2013. At this point my weight is a steady 260. My next show will be a complete surprise for all of my fans and I promise to be a completely transformed Musclemaniac come November, 2013. Push it to the limit!"
Guess who? Hint . . . he's training for his guest posing performance at MM Europe in Paris. He's 5'10" and currently weighing 218 lbs. And, he's one of the world's most popular natural bodybuilders.
Reigning MM Pro World Champion Morris Mendez is prepping for next weekend's MM Superbody in Atlantic City. Weighing over 210 lbs. and leaner than ever, he promises a show like never before. "I have been training for a major magazine photo shoot, so I'm pretty much near contest shape," says Morris. He will be meeting his fans, signing autographs and spending the weekend at the show.
MM stars Jason Borrego & Chris Wescott caught up at a local Texas show today. Jason, just off the MM Universe, says he's hammering his arms and staying lean through the off season. Chris is back from his USAF 6-month African deployment and settled into his new digs in Texas. At 6'2", he's weighing a massive 260 lbs., his biggest ever. Both diehards will be bring their new physiques to MM America in Las Vegas in November.
MM Pro Stavros Christodoulou says he's become a media star in his native Cyprus. He explains, "Last week, I was on three local television shows (LTV Channel, PLUS Channel and Rik Channel) on the news magazine programs. I did interviews about natural bodybuilding, training and my MM Pro status. I also showed them some video from the MM Universe Show! I have one more channel coming up (ANT1 Channel). Thanks Musclemania!!!!!!"
Just 21 years old, Zain Inram has never competed in a bodybuilding competition. But, at 5'8", 160 lbs., he has developed an impressive, natural physique. Zain says, "I got my upper body where I want it, but I got to keep hammering my legs. I don't want to compete until everything is really symmetrical." Since last year, Zain has added nearly 20 lbs. of weight while still staying lean. But, as he explains, he's hit a plateau. "I have been eating like a horse and training my legs like a mad man! But, I can't seems to budge past this point. I will keep working on it." We will update Zain's progress and see when he's able to nudge pass 160 lbs. and get his legs up to his upper body.

Slovenia's Benjamin Radič is 2 months away from MM Europe in Paris, his first competition ever! At 5'10", 220 lbs., the 28 year old personal trainer says the diet is playing with his head. "I have never done this before and its got me all mess
ed up!", Ben says. "I love to eat, especially during the summer, outside. I am sick of the bland chicken, fish and rice." Well, one good thing is that once the contest is over, Ben will be in Paris to eat some of the best cuisine in the world. Where is there a better place to binge after a contest diet?!
Sports model Chad Cherry entered his first fitness competition at the '12 Fitness Lone Star in Texas. With hard work, dedication and a great deal of blood, sweat and tears, he competed with a physique superior to other seasoned competitors and landed 2nd Place. Chad has been perfecting his physique and fine tuning his runway and modeling skills for the upcoming Space City show and will use the show as a warm-up for Model Texas in Ft. Worth and, then, Model America in Las Vegas.
John Jackson is one week away from MM Superbody and says he's ready. "The diet is killing me but I am still holding around 220 lbs.," he says. It will be John's first time competing, in fact, the first time he's ever been to a competition! The 5'10" personal trainer started training when he was a teenager Queens but never took it seriously until two years ago.
New Jersey home boy Jonathan Hernanadez is just one week from the biggest show in his two years of competing. The 21 year old college student says he's the leanest and biggest since he started training 5 years ago. At 5'10", 185 lbs., Jonathan wants to win MM Superbody in Atlantic City. He says, "It will be just my third contest, but I am coming into it totally different than at the New England show 4 months ago. It will be 3 and 0!"
Catch the Smith Brothers cruising home after their workout this afternoon. MM Open competitor James Smith (l) and MM Junior Fredrick J Smith have been lifting since they were young teenagers and are training hard and heavy for MM Texas on November 3.
Nothing like a bathroom shot after a workout! MM New Mexico HW Chris Wescott is back from his USAF 6 month deployment to Africa and training catch-up for MM America. Already weighing 260 lbs., the 6'2" lifetime natural is in off-season mode and says he's working on his symmetry, not just size. "I want to be complete when I get back on stage", says Chris. He's got 3 months to Las Vegas, so its crunch time.
Sam Ochoa started training when he lived in Chicago and entered his first competition. But the Guatemalan native now lives back home and he says he is hungry to compete back in the US. At 5'10", 210 lbs., Sam is powerful and thick and promises to be ripped and ready by October. "I competed at the Central America show twice and thought I should have won," says Sam. "But, this time there will be no doubt that I will be the Musclemania® Champion. I want to earn my ticket to Las Vegas!"

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

MM Pro Ed Mazzuchelli runs a highly successful professional personal trainer service. In his blog this month, he explains the journey of one of his clients as she selected a new competition.

"This past weekend I attended a local bodybuilding show. A client of mine was competing for her first time and I had the pleasure of joining her and her family to coach and encourage her. Sometimes I think we forget the true pleasure of what’s it’s like to compete for the first time."

"That morning you wake up early, eager with anticipation unaware of how long your day is ahead of you. You pound down that first meal, as if anything you really do that day is going to make or break you. You drive to some local high school you’ve probably never seen before, with a really bad tan and dying for a drink of water. In the parking lot you see half naked people with friends applying tanning product. You think to yourself that’s so strange, but yet somehow on this day it makes perfect sense."

"Next your sizing up the competition, asking the promoter or whoever you can how many people are in your class? Like the size of your class dictates your ultimate success later that evening. For the first time in your life your nose starts to hurt and you can’t breathe that well as contestants begin prepping and pumping up with some strange spray that they swear makes you super vascular. You see both men and women using bands and dumbbells, pushups and squeezing their muscles as if they are constipated and only then do you see a human put pan spray all over there body as if they are going to fry and egg on themselves! Yet this too seems perfectly acceptable today."

"The anxiety builds you start to realize that this is really happening and all the pain and torture of months of dieting lifting and cardio has gotten you to this point. Your about to go onstage for the first time in your life and you think your going to pass out, but you gather your composure and take that first step towards the lights!"

"Oh the lights, thank god… they practically blind you, and you can barely make out the panel of judges in front of you. Your competition begins! You hear the head judge; call out numbers moving people around and praying for that coveted middle spot. The head judge calls out that first pose your heart is beating out of your chest, and just like that the muscle memory kicks in and you execute your poses!!! As soon as begins it ends, and you have accomplished what millions of people have only dreamed about, you are now officially a competitive bodybuilder!"

"I can’t speak for my client only she can look back someday and reflect on her experience, maybe it sounds like this and maybe it doesn’t, but it sure reminded me of that day in June, when I took my first steps onstage, the fear and then ultimately the rush of competition, I was hooked and haven’t stopped in 18 years. My message to you if you've been competing for a long time and especially the pros, go to these shows route on and help back stage, it truly reminds you of why we started in the first place. Remember it’s not the finish. It’s the journey."
MM Pros David Hicks (l) & Griffen Datcher (r) took the Pro stage for the first time at MM Universe in Miami. The 6'3" giants are lifetime naturals and have competed in the MM Lone Star and Texas Championships. David is a former NFL Kansas City Chief line backer and now a Houston high school teacher and football coach. Griffin has owned a successful Houston personal trainer service for the past 10 years.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Tom Duer continues his diet for MM Superbody next week in Atlantic City. The Pennsylvania trainer is staying heavy as he gets into better condition.
MM Europe star Greg Vong knew he had to focus on his legs if he was to be symmetrical and ready for win shows. So, he got dedicated working them and they are showing impressive results. He competed at the recent MM Universe in Miami but realized that he needed better symmetry. Greg says, "I start training for better symmetry as soon as I got home." Now the French sensation is dieting for MM Europe in Paris on October. "I think I will be ready," he says
'11 Model Universe Champion Johanna Sabucini will be a guest judge at the Superbody Championships in Atlantic City. The New York fashion and commercial model has appeared in numerous magazines, advertisements, television shows, runway events, and much more. Johanna is also the reigning Miss New York USA and competed in Donald Trumps Miss Universe Pageant in Las Vegas in June.
He's never competed, but Charly Blard's friends have been telling him to get on stage for years. When he goes to shows, he's the center of attention - even more than the competitors! So, after years of training, Charly says he's finally ready to make the move. At 5'11", 205 lbs., he's training and dieting for Model Europe in Paris. Charly says, "I really don't know what I will look like but just hope to do my best. We will see." Well, anyone that knows him says that will be enough for Charly to easily win.
Mexican sensation Genaro Alvarado is looking crazy as he continues his diet mode for magazine photo shoots next month. The 5'4", 170 lbs. MM Pro says, "I plan on staying in shape until the World's in Las Vegas."

Romanian junior natural bodybuilder Ovi Diu has been aiming for MM Europe since it was announced. The 20 year old has added 15 lbs. of muscle in the past 2 years and is getting leaner by the day. At 5'6", 175 lbs., Ovi will compete against many of Europe's best natural juniors.

Kenyan bodybuilder Kevin Ochieng continues his training for MM Africa in Uganda on October 7. The 25 year old security guard has added a lot of muscle over the past year. He says, "I eat all fresh foods I buy in the local markets every day. The chickens are cheap and fresh and that really helps with my protein." At 5'7", Kevin now weighs 192 lbs.
Model Mexico Champion Fernando Valdez was at Musclemania Prestige in Mexico City yesterday to meet and greet his fans. The 6', 185 lbs., 21 year old college student is training for his debut at Model America in Las Vegas.
MM Pro Ulisses Jr. is training for a guest appearance at MM Europe in Paris on October 13. Weighing over 210 lbs., he says, "I am in the best shape ever at this weight. Give me a couple more months and I will be ready to put on a show." Ulisses is the Fitness Director at Reebok London and is working 6 days a week and workouts out in the morning before and in the afternoon after work.
MM Pro Sanya Shaka will be making a guest posing appearance at MM Superbody in Atlantic City on August 25. The 5'10", 235 lbs. former Mr. Kenya came to America three years ago to continue his natural bodybuilding career. Sanya won the '09 MM World HW Class but has never tested his MM Pro credentials. So, everyone watching the Superbody show will get a advance look at what 2 years of hiding and training has done for Sanya including 22" arms, 55" chest and 29" waist!
German natural bodybuilding sensation Alon Gabbay has never competed but will be part of the Musclemania Europe festivities on October 13. The 5'10", 185 lbs., 25 year old media star say's he's excited about the show. "Musclemania represents the best in natural bodybuilding," Alon says. "So, when I learned that it was coming to Europe, I immediately planned on being there."
'12 MM Universe and '11 MM America Junior Champion Corey Upton is moving up and blasting for the Open HW Class. The 23 year old, 6'3", 235 pounder says he's thicker and more symmetrical than last year. But the jump from Junior to Open Men's Class is more than just a leap. Corey says, "I'll be ready and so should they!"
These wings belong to MM HW Tom Duer who's just two weeks to show time. The 5'10" 215 lbs. personal trainer will jump on the Superbody stage nearly 20 lbs. heavier than at '09 MM Universe where barely lost the LHW Class.
MM Pro Syed Fazli hit the Venice Beach gym during his last trip to America last year. Now, the Malaysian superstar is training for MM World in November and promises to surprise everyone. At 5'10", 200 lbs., Syed has one of the most classic natural physiques in the sport and will be a threat in the Pro HW Class.
New Jersey's Jonathan Hernandez is pumped for MM Superbody in two weeks. In just his second year competing, already the 21 year old college student has won the '11 MM New York and '12 MM New England Junior Championships. At 5'10", 185 lbs., Jonathan trains every night around midnight - after school and work. He says, "I will be a lot more ripped this time. I had the size before, but I just worked on my nutrition and cardio and think I have found the winning formula. We will see soon."
New York City native Victor Stanton swept the '11 Model New York Championships and will be taking his 'A' game to Model America in November. The 6'1", 195 sports models and personal trainer has a degree in exercise science.
'11 MM World Pro LW Champion Genaro Alvarado Tapia is nearly in competition condition yet his next show isn't until November. The natural Mexican sensation says he will be shooting for some magazines soon. "I got a call last week to get ready, so I have bumped up my cardio and changed my nutrition earlier than planned. But, it will actually help me prepare for MM World. I will keep my condition and grow up into the show." Genaro says he is holding around 170 lbs. despute the diet.

Pennsylvania personal trainer Tom Duer has been doing some heavy duty training of his own lately preparing for MM Superbody in Atlantic City. The 5'10", 210 lbs. former collegiate football player hasn't been on a MM stage for 3 years and the transformation of his physique shows it. Nearly 25 lbs. of lean, new muscle has been added and he is almost ready to show it off on stage.

Francisco Dominguez may be a Spanish commercial star who enjoys the bennies of being a national celebrity, but the natural bodybuilding champion takes his passion for competing even more seriously. At 6', 225 lbs., he will bring his classic physique to MM Europe in Paris and, if he wins, onward to MM World in Las Vegas.
Training for Superbody in Atlantic City, Julian Navarro will enter as a favorite in the Junior Class. At 5'9", 175 lbs., it will be his MM debut and first major, national level competition. But the Philidelphia native has an incredibly muscular, symmetrical and conditioned physique for his 21 years. Julian is a Temple University student and trains with MM Pro Joe Patton.
Pakistan junior star Salman Ahmed is in diet mode for MM World in Las Vegas. He says, "I am weighing 85 kg (187 lbs.) and got about another 5 kg (12 lbs.) for the show."
Last Saturday's Fitness Carolina show in Charlotte was incredibly fun with all new competitors from through the region. Some of the beginner competitors called it a "Camp Show"! But despite being a newbie contest, many of them were amazing and ready for Superbody and Fitness America Weekend.
Optimum Nutrition sponsored Model Britain star Matt Dunford & training partner and MM Britain Rabe Abadom are 8 weeks out from the Model Europe Championships in Paris and 12 weeks from Model America Championships in Las Vegas. Matt says, " We will be stepping on stage in the same category for the first time and are both ready to show Europe and the rest of the World exactly what the UK has to offer." Rabe and Matt say they have a structured training plan in place and are feeling more confident than ever that they will be bringing competitive physiques and stage presence to the stage that will make them both in the running for the titles.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

He may a completed newcomer, but Josh Connor plans to tear up the MM America stage in Las Vegas. The Arizona native says he's been training for the show for over a year and has transformed his physique. "I have lost over 30 lbs. and want to be ready a couple of months out from the show," Josh says. At 5'10", 220 lbs., the former powerlifter wants to loose another 10-15 lbs.

MM Pro Yoon Jong Muc appears in a new Korean sports nutrition brand magazine advertisement and campaign. The '10 MM Korea and '11 MM Universe Champion is a popular competition coach in Seoul and is preparing a team for the MM Korea next month.