
Thursday, April 26, 2012

He's never been on stage, but Ben Radic impressed everyone at FIBO in Germany last weekend. "People kept asking me if I was competing," he says. "I just laughed, shrugged it off. But I was so pumped, I left early and drove back (to Slovenia, a 10 hour drive) just so I could get home for a Sunday workout." Ben's training and dieting for his bodybuilding competition debut at MM Europe in Paris in October.
Jay Alvarez is cruising to MM New England this Saturday. After a narrow loss at '11 MM Boston, he says it will be a different show this time. "I am bigger, leaner with better symmetry. Its a new body."

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Seeing '11 MM Britain Champion & MM Pro Roger Snipes meeting with '11 Mr. Olympia Phil Heath last weekend at FIBO in Germany was a head turner! Is Roger really volumizing or Phil just in his "off-season"?

Saturday, April 21, 2012

In his latest update, MM Pro Dickens Lambert explains he's got two big current challenges. "I’m writing this update a week before my wife gives birth to our third child. I have started my contest preparation as if I had definitely decided to compete at the Musclemania® Universe in Miami. Since I’m well aware that my wife and kids will always take first place before my competition ambitions, my plan is to hit the stage with the best natural bodybuilders in the world even though I know I may have to forfeit my efforts. Nonetheless, I miss being onstage with Ulisses Jr., Morris Mendez, Jeff Beckham, just to name a few. My objective is to bring the same definition and roundness I brought to MM World in Las Vegas last November. This physical ideal is gradually starting to come to surface. My body is starting to transform. I want to be on the MM stage so bad! My sponsors - Metropolis Gym, Allmax Nutrition, Via Rail and others - are very supportive of my goal. They, too, believe that it is possible to mix family and competitive fitness. The competition preparation itself will be my greatest personal fight ever because I will have to assist my wife more than ever as I get myself contest ready for Miami. If I hit the stage in Miami, be sure that my wife’s mental & physical strength as well as her never ending encouragements sustained by the support of our Bio3Fitness athletes and sponsors will play a huge part in the realization of this ultimate feat. Regardless of the outcome, whether I step onstage to compete with my fellow MM brothers or decide to step back and watch my iron brothers compete, my wise choices will surely make me victorious." Dickens Lambert Musclemania® Pro
Model Universe competitor Max Philisaire may weigh just 190 lbs., but he looks 220 lbs. in amazing shape! The former US Army paratrooper served in Germany, then returned home in South Florida and a couple of years ago moved to Hollywood to launch a successful celebrity training business.  Max has also produced a DVD training series and makes special appearance at premieres, fashion shows and promotion events.
Despite having just one show experience, Fred Smith is an amazing junior. Currently, the 20 year old, 5'6", 190 lbs. natural bodybuilder say's he's just gaining muscle and keeping it lean. With he compete at MM Lone Star next month and, the, MM Universe in June remains to be seen. But, wherever Fred decides to compete, the junior class will one of the most competitive in years.
MM Pro Morris Mendez will be making a special guest posing appearance at MM New England next Saturday, April 28 at Foxwoods Resort Casino. The reigning MM World and Universe Champion is looking incredible and at 220 lbs. bigger than ever! Morris Mendez will also be on hand throughout the day signing autographs, taking pictures with fans and welcoming everyone to the show.

Friday, April 20, 2012

At 6'1", 220 lbs., Vinny Harthshaire is one of New England's most impressive natural bodybuilders. The 29 year old lifter was an all around jock throughout school and will be taking his physique to MM New England next Saturday at Foxwoods Resort Casino.
Despite having just one show experience, Fred Smith is an amazing junior. Currently, the 20 year old, 5'6", 190 lbs. natural bodybuilder say's he's just gaining muscle and keeping it lean. With he compete at MM Lone Star next month and, the, MM Universe in June remains to be seen. But, wherever Fred decides to compete, the junior class will one of the most competitive in years.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

MM Pro Morris Mendez will be making a special guest posing appearance at MM New England next Saturday, April 28 at Foxwoods Resort Casino. The reigning MM World and Universe Champion is looking incredible and at 220 lbs. bigger than ever! Morris Mendez will also be on hand throughout the day signing autographs, taking pictures with fans and welcoming everyone to the show.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

MM Pro David Whittaker says he's making his comeback this season but hasn't stated at what show, yet. Currentlym, at 6'3", 255 lbs., 6% body fat, the '04 MM Pro World Champion, he will be an amazing site on stage. The veteran bodybuilder says, "Musclemania® has the best competitors that I have ever faced. And, I'm looking forward to getting back on stage with the best competition for the best federation in the world. I LOVE THIS GAME! I get very excited and emotional just thinking about it."
MM New England will be produced as a 1-hour television special and broadcast on New England Sports Network (NESN). The reality style format show will feature competition action, backstage and what's happening behind-the-scenes throughout the day. The moment competitors arrive in the morning until they leave with their trophies at night, everything will be recorded and edited into an exciting television program. Also, a LIVE broadcast from the Foxwoods Resort Casino on Saturday, April 28
Looking thick and symmetrical, Aaron Hall was not contest ready for a warm-up show last week. The 22 year old Iowa personal trainer is training for MM Universe in Miami and at 5'8", 195 lbs., he will be a force in the LHW Class.
"The Slovenian Sleeper", Ben Radic, has never been on a contest stage before. But judging from this shot sent earlier today, his training for MM Europe in France in October is way ahead of schedule. At 5'10", 220 lbs., Ben should be a major surprise to a lot of people at his debut career appearance.
As lifetime natural bodybuilder prepares for MM Universe, Kwesi Keller is always showing a wicked ripped set of lats. At 5'10", 225 lbs., he's thick and conditioned and say's he'll just keep it tight leading into showtime in June.
'11 Model New England Champion Thomas Andrades was a newcomer to the modeling scene but was a popular choice among the judges and audience. The 29 year old husband and father of 3 is a systems engineer and competes as a hobby and fun of it. Over 30 sports models will compete at Model New England in two weeks at Foxwoods along with over 200 other incredible sports fitness athletes.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

MM Mexico star Luis Guerrero is looking incredible as he prepares for MM Mexico next month. The 24 year old personal trainer is lifetime natural and at 5'10", weighed just 82 kg. (187 lbs.) at his last competition in November. Luis says he expects to compete at least 3 kg. (6.6 lbs.) bigger. He says, "My ultimate goal this year is to compete at MM World. I know Genaro (Alvarado) and want to stand on stage with him." Ironically, both Genaro and Luis had the same trainer since they were teenagers.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Korean natural bodybuilder Yoon Jong Muc surprised everyone at last year's MM Universe. The 24 year old personal trainer swept the HW Class and overall title beating all of the American and international favorites. Now, the Seoul personal trainer is training for his MM Pro debut in Miami. At 5'10", 210 lbs., Yoon will once again challenge the HW Class but will face forces like Morris Mendez, Ulisses, Dickens Lambert, Antwaun Smith, Jeff Beckham, Griffin Datcher and other amazing natural legends. Miami will never be the same!
Louisiana natural bodybuilder James Smith is training for just his second show, MM Lone Star in Galveston. The 27 year old river barge crewman place at the '11 MM Texas but at 5'11", 185 lbs., but he felt over dieted for the competition. Currently, James is 210 lbs., as lean as he was last October and expects to hold his size for the show in May 19.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

MM Pro Bernard Amaya (2nd left) was with his natural training team at the Mondial Body Fitness in Paris last month. He and fellow MM Pro Antony Bensala train a lot of new, rising natural stars and have formed their own competition team in France. Most of them will be competing at MM Europe in October. Both Bernard and Antony are training hard for MM Universe in Miami.
MM MW star Robert Gibbs is looking insane as he trains for MM Universe in Miami. Still hanging at 195 lbs., he hasn't dropped any weight and says he probably won't until the week of the show. "I am already lean enough and would just loose muscle if I dieted," Rob says. "I'm only going to drop some water to tighten up my skin. That's it!" The 5'10", veteran natural bodybuilder's got 10 weeks until show time.
Although he still has not indicated when he'll compete again, 6'3", 255 lbs. Adrain Childers just sent this new photo showing he can easily shake up any natural heavyweight class which he chooses. As a Vitamin Shoppe store manager, he's got access to any and all supplements needed to help create a winning physique. And, few people exceed Adrain's intensive in the gym - always heavy with strict form. Hopefully Adrain will step on stage again, soon.

As a first year sports model competitor, JC Shivers was able to win 3 of the 4 shows on the Model Texas Tour and took 2nd place in the only regional show he didn't win! He then took his enormous 6'8", 220 lbs. physique to Las Vegas in and captured 3rd Place at '11 Model America Championships behind 2 previous winners of Model America and Model Universe.

Now JC is looking at taking his accomplishments to an entirely new level. He has been training heavier and harder than ever and is focused on bringing an even more freaky physique to Model Universe in June. Despite his super tall structure, JC really has few weaknesses and is working on developing his lats and calves.

JC refuses to show off his body, even during his workouts. He says, "I am saving it for the Universe stage. I am going to present a bigger and man

With just a year of competition training, Kwesi Keller is already shaking things up. The 26 year old US Air Force Senior Airman has been based in Germany and been a Top 5 Finalist in two shows. Now, Kwesi is bumping up his contest plans
and will take on many of the world's best naturals at MM Universe in June. At 5'11", 245 lbs., he competes around 205 lbs. and does heavy powerlifting movements in both his off-season and competition training routines. His supplementation is complete consuming Carnivor beef protein, Carnivor BCAA, Carnivor glutamine, GNC Mens Multi Vitamin, GNC Vitamin C, GNC Triple Strength Omega Complex and GNC Total Lean CLA. Kwesi is college graduate majoring in Exercise Science and played football throughout school. More news, progress photos and videos of Kwesi soon as he prepares for his MM debut in Miami.
Just 23 years old, Aaron Hall has already achieved a classic physique shape. He last competed at '10 MM America but lost the Junior Division because his condition was off. Now the 5'9", 210 lbs. personal trainer hopes to bring a winning package to MM Universe in Miami.

Friday, April 6, 2012

At 6'8", 260 lbs., former Colorado basketball player and WWE wrestler Aaron Reed captures everyone attention wherever he goes. The Florida personal trainer has expanded his domain into publishing with his new e-book, "A Super Natural Lifestyle - Manipulating Foods for an Unfair Advantage."  Since leaving professional wrestling, Aaron has been pounding weights and has competed in a few bodybuilding competitions and is now training for MM Universe in Miami. He says, "I love getting pumped! It is the best feeling in the world. It gets me high. I get so use to feeling it all the time when I miss a day of training I feel like I am missing something. I know that when I get pumped it is at that time I am able to shape my body like a sculpture or and artist. My physique is my life's work. I think about it all the time." "I stand over six and half feet tall and I feel I am able to exhibit how great a man of large stature can look from an aesthetic perspective. Working so hard to be my best I have realized there is nothing more aesthetically pleasing than the NATURAL body and all of its grace when it’s in top physical shape." More news about Aaron as he trains for the MM Universe including his training and nutrition regimen. In meantime, check out his e-book on-line.
US Military Academy Cadet Luke Pittman is competition dieting for the first time. The 22 year old West Point senior will be on the Musclemania® New England stage at Foxwoods Resort Casino. Luke has a rich athletic background in track & field but was always a recreational bodybuilder. His father competed in the Teenage Mr. America in the 1960's and encouraged his son to weight train. At 5'9", 185 lbs., Luke trains through the stress of his West Point education and military rigors. He explains, "While being so stressed and challenged (often times sleeping less than 4 hours a night due to mandatory requirements of the academy), I still treat my body right and train like crazy." Luke will attend medical school upon graduation and eventual a US Army physician. You can watch Luke and all of the Musclemania competitors LIVE at on April 28.
Training for his very first competition, Slovenia Ben Radic says he's learning how to adjust his diet. "My weight is around 106 kg. (233 lbs.) around 6-8% body fat. But, I think is just a lot of water," he says. "I'm not salting my food and I'm cycling with carbs that contains potassium." At 5'10", Ben has always been  an athlete including competitive judo, volleyball and tennis. So, discipline will not be a problem as he prepares for MM Europe in October.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Another message from MM Pro Gerald Pangan just in from his training grounds in Kuwait. The 5'4", '09 MM World Champion is shown here with training partner Rodel Sauza measuring his body fat at 6.3% at 90 kgs.!
MM Pro Gerald Pangan shook up the natural bodybuilding scene by winning the '09 MM World Championships. Then, last year he narrowly lost the MM Universe Pro LW Class to Dewayne Malone. Since then, Gerald has been pounding the weights and is preparing for a rematch at the Miami show in June. He just sent this update:

"Here I am training in the best gym in Kuwait "Oxygen Fitness Center". With all the machines they have here, I can maximize my gains and total development. Really, the equipment is like at no other gym around the world where I have traveled, even in the US. Definitely, there's enough weights for me to train for the Universe and bring home the Lightweight title as MM Pro."

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Mixing a unique blend of beauty and muscularity, Jenny Gaidoukevitch brings a special class of ladies on the Musclemania® stage. The Belarus native is always a Top 5 Finalist. Jenny started to train in 1998 with a motivation that stemmed from a personal dissatisfaction with her looks. "I used to be  really fat," she explains. "I had two children and did not having exercised at all. My lifestyle was sedentary - working as a software engineer and playing piano as a hobby. Then, at age 29, I turned to weight training and lost more than 20 kg. (44 lbs.). I went to the best trainers and sport clubs in Holland to learn as much as possible about training, fitness, fighting and bodybuilding. And I completed my certification as a personal trainer. Then I opened my own sport club - Late in 2007, I began competing, appearing in more then 15 bodybuilding and figure shows in the last couple of years." "Now I am doing a lot of weight training and I train many other people from professional athletes to businessmen and house wives, helping them to achieve their goals from improving competition results, to just getting fit and figure correction. I also train at Amsterdam's best kickboxing school, Vos Gym. It's very handy to be strong if you like fighting! :) In general, a strong body gives you a strong mind - handy for whatever you do in life!" Currently, Jenny is training for MM Universe in Miami and MM Europe in Paris.