
Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Congratulations to '10 Model America Champion Kyle Clarke and his father who appear on the cover of Ironman magazine. "The day has finally arrived! I get to release something revolutionary to the fitness industry - father/son Iron Man magazine cover. When I got my rushed copy last week, I drove it straight to Vegas (4 hours from Los Angeles) and woke my parents up at 1:30 AM to hand my Dad his very first national cover. We stayed up til 5 AM sitting on the stairs celebrating while my Mom read the 10 page article aloud."

As a USAF Sargeant, '11 MM New Mexico Junior & Open HW Champion Chris Wescott has been deployed to Africa and won't be back stateside until the summer. But, the challenging assignment has not hindered his training. As you can read below, Chris is up to his military obligations and has made it into a training bonaza!

"What's up people?!?! I am back like I never left! I haven't been writing for the past couple of months because of my schedule and everything, but I figured I will start up again now that we are approaching the 2012 competition season. 

In January, I was deployed to Africa. So right now I am in Africa and focusing on the Musclemania Texas and Musclemania America in November. My goal for this year is to obtain a MM Pro card and hopefully I will be able to do so. I am still receiving nutritional advice from MM Pro Dewayne Malone and I am steadily seeing gains. I switched to Nutrabio supplements this year too because they are the only company that can honestly say they produce pharmaceutical grade supplements.

I left the U.S in January and we headed to Germany for a little bit. It was cool going there because I always wanted to visit Germany and I had some friends up there that I hung out with. The flights weren't that bad because they bumped me up to first class as we crossed the Atlantic and it was BOMB.COM! The only part of traveling that sucked was the military planes - man, they didn't even have real seats on them!

The gym here is a small tent with the bare necessities like benches, barbells, pull-up bar, dumbbells and cardio equipment. Notice how in the latter sentence I did not include a squat rack a.k.a & curl rack!!! LOL, we have to mount a barbell on something similar to a dip bar/ab station and it is not sturdy at all! My first attempt at squats here was a complete FAILURE. I ended up popping the 3rd vertebrae on my spine, but its not that sore anymore. The thing can only hold up to 315 lbs., so I never put more than that on the bar. The old school movements like deadlifts, squats, bench and barbell rows have become my "bread and butter". Down here we also have a pulldown/pushdown machine at our hotel, so most of the time I will just hit up those exercises when I get home. I am currently on an upper body/lower body split.

I am eating about 3,500-4,000 calories a day. Even though I don't have a kitchen, grocery store and other commodities, I still find a way to eat my 10 meals a day! Well here is how I did it. About 2 months before I deployed, I began buying more and more extra bags of brown rice when I went to Wal-Mart and stashed t
hem away in my cupboard. When I received my last paycheck, I purchased 50 cans of chicken, almonds, canned veggies and tuna to last me a while down here. My bag weighed about 150 lbs. with all of the rice and chicken in there so I had to divide some up into my troop's bag at the airport. I also had a lot of support from some friends who sent me some food and it really comes in handy! I cook all of the rice in a microwaveable rice cooker and rock out like that everyday. Cheat days SUCK now because there isn't much food to cheat with. I end up scrounging up some candy, ramen and hamburgers and be satisfied with that. All in all, training, nutrition and supplementation is good!

I work 7:30 AM to 7:30 PM and the job is easy most of the times, but there are some days where we are SLAVING! The locals love us and really embrace us with open arms. Every time we visit the guards at the gate they all offer us their seats and want to shake our hands like a thousand times!

There isn't much else to talk about right now, but I will keep you all updated as time goes by!"
‎'11 MM America Junior LW 2nd Place Nick Bennett just sent this shot and updated. He says, "I am currently 5'7" and 163 lbs. and the photo was shot about a week ago after a workout at USF (University of South Florida) campus recreation center. I am majoring in Health Science with a minor in Public Health. My training since Las Vegas ('11 MM America) hasn't changed too much at all. In fact, I typically don't have a workout routine. I just lift a single body part such as chest until I can hardly do a pushup or curl until I cannot touch my ears."

Abbey Spanier Rodd & Abrams LLP filed a class action lawsuit against General Nutrition Centers Inc. (GNC) and other retailers for selling Cellucor's C-4 Extreme, which the companies marketed as a dietary supplement, but the law firm said it actually contains the "wholly synthetic" ingredient 1,3 Dimethylamylamine (DMAA). The plaintiff alleges that the defendants failed to disclose that the DMAA contained in C-4 Extreme is wholly synthetic, manufactured and not derived from the geranium plant.

DMAA has been in the spotlight this year, with the military banning its sales in its commissaries and a California class action lawsuit that claims bodybuilding and weight management supplements from Florida-based BPI Sports contained undisclosed DMAA.

However, DMAA has its proponents too with USPlabs, which makes one of the most popular DMAA products (Jack3D) on the market, saying studies have shown it is derived naturally. "We have conducted some exciting studies at a highly respected U.S. laboratory," reported Jack Deschauer, spokesperson for USPlabs.

The American Herbal Products Association (AHPA) didn't ban its members from selling DMAA, but it did prohibit members from labeling the human-synthesized version as a derivative of geranium oil or any part of the geranium plant. AHPA's board approved the trade requirement in August 2011, and it went into effect on Jan. 13, 2012.

Abbey Spanier Rodd & Abrams said GNC, along with Cellucor Sports Nutrition, Woodbolt Distribution Ltd, Woodbolt Management LLC and Woodbolt International, by selling C-4 Extreme, violated the California Consumer Leal Remedies Act, the California False Advertising Law and the California Unfair Competition Act. This action, filed in the United States District Court, Central District of California (Civil Action No. 12-1336), was brought as a class action on behalf of all persons in the United States who purchased C-4 Extreme at any time during the four years prior to the filing of the lawsuit.

The law firm said when consumers purchased and used C-4 Extreme, they were unaware that C-4 Extreme contained the "synthetic and dangerous stimulant" DMAA (also known as 1,3 Dimethylhexaneamine HCl, 1,3 Dimethylhexaneamine, Methylhexaneamine and Geranamine) and that DMAA was not derived from the geranium plant or any other natural source.

Because the plaintiff alleges the DMAA contained in C-4 Extreme is a synthetic product, it says it is illegal.

"The safety concerns associated with DMAA have been well-documented, including concerns that DMAA is a dangerous and addictive substance that can cause headache, nausea and stroke," Abbey Spanier Rodd & Abrams said in a statement. "Experts have noted DMAA has a chemical structure similar to amphetamines and ephedrine, and can cause increases in heart rate and blood pressure and even death."

Monday, February 27, 2012

Egyptian natural bodybuilder Mohammed Sherif and MM Pro Morris Mendez met backstage at '11 MM New York. Mohammed said, "Most Egyptian bodybuilders use drugs. There just aren't natural shows. It is pretty hard stay motivated when everyone uses steroids." But the 23 year old student travel all the wait from Cairo so he could compete at MM. "It was such an honor to meet Morris and the other (MM) Pros [Jeff Beckham, Sanya Shaka and Nick Navarro]," Mohammed said. Hopefully someday MM will come to Egypt and offer a competitive forum for natural Egyptian bodybuilders.
World renown photographer Gw Burns will be shooting fitness, model and muscle talent at Fitness New England at Foxwoods Resort Casino on April 28. His work is unique, classic, innovative and makes models come to life in print. GW's been published in many notable magazines like GQ, Maxim, FHM, People, Oxygen, American Curves, Planet Muscle, Fit and Firm, Natural Bodz, Inside Fitness, Status, Super Street Bike, Real Fighter, Physique, Ultra Fit, World Physique, Fitness, SRQ and numerous others. GW will be selecting talent before, during and after the show for magazine, advertisements and calendar shoots.
South Carolinian Malcolm Sirmons is building up to his MM debut. The 24 year old personal trainer and college student has competed in smaller shows in the past, but took off two years to develop before taking on the MM Universe Open Division. At 5'11" his off season weight has been holding at 230 lbs. and Malcolm says he plans to complete just over 200. "That will be like 15 lbs. heavier than my last contest, so I am anxious to see how it all comes together." With his classic shape and symmetry, Malcolm should be a surprise for everyone.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

MM Pro Ulisses Jr. will be attending Mondial Body Fitness in Paris, France and FIBO in Essen, Germany in March and April, respectively. He will make special guest appearances throughout each weekend show, meeting fans, signing autographs and shooting with photographers.  Ulisses says, "I am looking forward to meeting a lot of my fans here in Europe, especially those whom I have never met.  I am training hard to look good for everyone."
Kenyan natural bodybuilder Kevin Kimongoi has been lifting since he was 16 years old. With home made weights and equipment, like most African bodybuilders Kevin trains with heart and soul in developing his physique. Now, the 27 year old Nairobi security guard weighs 165 lbs. and wants to compete later this summer at MM Africa.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

British lifter Shane Raymond is in heavy off-season training. The 5'6", 210 lbs., lifetime natural bodybuilder is a construction worker and says his job saps his energy sometimes. "I go to the gym after work every day and I know I need a new schedule if I am going to get serious about competing this year," Shane said. Last year, he competed at MM Britain and impressed everyone with his massive size and symmetry potential despite not placing well.
MM Pro Sasho Ognenovski is looking amazing, as usual. The Australian personal trainer and gym owner says, "I will make my Musclemania Pro debut at the Worlds in November. I have decided to skip the early year competitions due to personal business commitments. I recently purchased gym in Sydney that is known for producing great number of Natural bodybuilding champions in Australia. It is the very same gym that I worked and train in for many years and where I built my ultimate physique. My goal is to help as many people as possible reach their full physical potential."
Musclemania World Chilean natural star Eduardo Navarrete says he's been training like an animal as he prepares for MM South America in December. In off season condition, the 5'8", 227 lbs. college student is in the gym 5 days a week for a 6 week cycle. Eduardo says, "I am using heavyweights and basic movements. And, I am eating a very high calorie diet.
California star Larry Camacho says he's packing on the size as he prepares for MM Universe, his MM Pro debut. The 5'7", 185 lbs. college student says, "I am not so much getting heavier, but my muscles are growing and stating lean. I guess that's what they call 'muscle maturity'." The 25 year old, lifetime natural trainer will soon be a Musclemania Camp Coach beginning next month.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Iowa corn husker Aaron Young is a Midwest powerhouse. The 22 year old natural lifter made an appearance at '10 MM America but left unfulfilled without a first place finish. Aaron now says, "I weigh around 233 lbs. and like to slowly get down to 'bout 210. I want to maintain a leaner, much harder physique and keep my bodyfat low." But, the junior says its not good enough any more. "I plan to compete in the Open Division at MM Universe!" Quite a daunting task but a 5'8", 210 lbs. should be able to take down the big boys. We will see in June.
MM Pro Roger Snipes (right) and British natural phenom SHANE RAYMOND (left) had a work-out and magazine photo session in a London gym last weekend. Since winning the '11 MM Britain, Roger has been gaining muscle for his MM Pro debut in Miami in June. At 5'9", 220 lbs., he's been getting thicker by the week. Shane has not competed since bombing out last season, The 5'6" power training has an amazing physique but missed his diet in the finals days of contest prep. Shane says, "I am committed to not taking the stage again until I am certain to win." Currently, he's weighing a thick 210 lbs.
Pennsylvania natural star Tom Duer barely lost the '09 MM Universe Junior Championship. But the 25 year old Penn State graduate is back into intensive training for his return to Miami. "I'm going to be a lot bigger this time," says Tom. But, as the photo shows, he is already lean and will stay that way until show time.

Always Ripped

Hard to believe it, but Reggie Miles has never stepped on a competition stage. The 5'9", 200 lbs. natural powerlifter is training for MM Universe in Miami. Reggie stays competition ready all season because, as he says, "I just have always been ripped. Even when I add weight, it stays cut." Over the past 18 months, he has added 10 lbs. of muscle and wants to compete even heavier in June.

No SacrificeNo Sacrifice

MM Pro Antwaune Smith is holding 235 lbs. as he trains for MM Universe in Miami. Back in Las Vegas, he's training at Gold's Gym everyday and says, "I am really getting leaner this off season. I am not going to loose a lot of weight and sacrifice size like last time ('10 MM World)." No doubt, the 5'11", '09 MM Universe Champion wants to win in Miami, again!

Model Transformation

Same shirt but a new body for Juan Menesses. The 23 year old architecture student is a '11 Model Universe Top 5 Finalist says, "I have changed my body a lot since starting to lift 4 years ago." Juan has added 35 lbs. and maintains it all in lean condition. He is training now for Model America Championships in Las Vegas in November.
MM New Mexico LHW Champion Bobby Hinojos has been hammering his lats and traps. The 5'8", 197 lbs., 28 year old courier sent this shot following his workout yesterday. Bobby is training for MM America in November.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

South of the Border

California lifter Santiago Almanzan is training for MM Mexico and MM Universe a month later. The 25 year old, 5'5", 185 lbs. shipping clerk has been lifting since he was 14 years old and last competed at the '08 MM Mexico.
Model Britain Champion Duquaine Brooks appears in Valentine's Day campaign for Penha fragrances. He will be competing at Fitness Universe Weekend in June.
Team Korea is training for MM Universe in Miami. Over 20 competitors made up last year's impressive squad including MM Pro Chul Soon.
French natural Greg Vong continues developing his physique as he prepares for MM Universe. He says, "I am weighing 85 kg (187 lbs.) - more than ever before. But I am keeping a clean diet and growing really lean. I am surprised!"

Sunday, February 12, 2012

‎'11 MM Britain Champion Roger Snipes says he's power training to pack on mass for his MM Pro debut. "I know I need to add more muscle to compete with Uliises and the other Pro guys." Currently, Roger is 220 lbs. and he wants to step on stage in Miami at 205 lbs.
‎'10 MM Europe Junior Champion Rico Van Huizen (right) made a big impact last season. But the 21 year old business student suffered an injury following the competition. Today, he says, "At the moment, my shoulder has recovered almost 99%. So it means I can lift big weights again. The diet is going fine at the moment still holding ratios at: 40% protein 40% carbs 20% fat. Getting leaner and fuller, while my body weight is staying the same." Rico has set an 9 month regimen for MM World in Las Vegas.

Giannini Kaliar (left) is one of Rico's training partners. The 22 year old college student is training for Model Europe in Paris in October.
MM Pro Morris Mendez is in off-season mode and growing more than ever. "I haven't decided when I will compete again, but I just want to keep growing anyway," he said. At 5'10", 215 lbs., the reigning MM Universe and MM World Pro Champions has switched gyms and created a completely new nutrition array and training regimen. Morris says, "I have been training for many years, but I am still learning my body and how to maximize my gains. I always want to look like a new bodybuilder everything I take magazine photos and compete."
Always a heavy duty trainer, MM New Mexico star Bobby Hinojos says he's bigger then ever this season - 197 lbs. At 5'8" and always with great symmetry and appearance, his conditioning has missed competition day targets. But this year, the 28 year old courier manager says, " I'm monitoring my look by the mirror and calories I'm eating. I am trying to do my own diet the right way."

Thursday, February 9, 2012

‎'11 MM World MW Champion Sasho Ogenovski has an incredible fan following in Australia.

The personal trainer says, "Since obtaining my MM Pro card last November I've been back in the gym and training with a full steam. As of yet I still haven't decided which Musclemania Pro competition I will enter first, but I will decide that in the next few weeks. I will once again bring an improved, bigger, symmetrical and ripped package onstage. My goal is not just to enter the MM Pro division but to make a good impact in my first competition."
Just in from new MM Pro Griffin Datcher III . . .

"Still cranking away. To all of the Musclemania Pros out there, no disrespect but I'm gunning for the top spot. Each and every day that I wake up my desire gets stronger and stronger and my focus gets sharper and sharper. For now the weight gain has stopped and I'm already in preparations to start trimming down the fat to uncover why lies beneath. My main focus is bringing up my lower body and presenting an all over symmetrical package if I'm going to compete at the top levels. I'm on fire. My best condition is yet to come."
Larry Camacho says he's hammering the weights and aiming for his MM Pro debut in Miami. The 24 year old college student has switched gyms, altered his training regimen and change his diet and supplementation in an effort to gain lean muscle and continuing to improve his symmetry. Larry's 5'7" and currently weighing 185 lbs.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Last year, MM Pro Syed Fazli lost to MM Universe Pro Champion Morris Mendez. But, the Malaysian sensation surprised everyone with incredible size, flawless classic symmetry and deep definition. On the way to Miami, Syed stopped in Los Angeles and was photographed in top contest form. At 5'9", 200 lbs., he is a true natural classic and always a crowd favorite.
‎'11 MM America Junior HW Champion Cory Upton just sent some new shots. He says, "I am at 235 lbs. right now and staying really lean." The 6'2", 21 year old Indiana native is concentrating on symmetry. "I am blasting my triceps, hamstrings and calves. All of the rear muscles. Just got to bomb 'em." Cory will be competing at MM Universe in Miami and is shooting for the Junior title. More news and photos of Cory soon.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Chase Hill made his bodybuilding contest debut at the '11 MM Texas in Ft. Worth. The 5'8", 170 lbs., 23 year old personal trainer is working out heavy duty for the new season of shows. But, for him training means a lot more than just self fulfillment. Chase says, "I found my purpose in life a long time ago. Although there has been "add ons" to it, the purpose has stayed with me for a long time now - Helping others become satisfied and comfortable in their own skin, both on a mental and physical level."
'11 MM New York Junior Champion Jay Diaz says, "I have been gaining really lean since the show (in October). I'm sitting pretty at 206 lbs. and not much to loose." Now at 22 years old, Jay is preparing for MM New England at Foxwoods in April and then MM Universe in Miami in June.
Fitness competitor Ricky Sylvester was a hit at the '11 Fitness America Championships but wants to win at Fitness New England in April. The 5'8", 186 lbs. former high school football star says, "I have been working on some wild moves and choreography. I will knock 'em over at the show!" Ricky's forte is hip hop and crew dancing, so you can expect to see an incredible performance.
MM Pro Ricky Syamsuri represented Team Rai at the Indonesian Army Training Camp last week. Joining Ade Rai, they instructed and demonstrated training regimens, strength routines, nutrition and fitness lifestyles. Over 1200 cadets attended the week long course. Ricky says, "We say NO to DRUGS! "Healthy ARMY, Healthy COUNTRY Yes!"
Korean natural Choi Han Jin was a bit overwhelmed making his MM Pro debut at last years MM Universe. But the 24 year old, Korean personal trainer has been training hard since then adding size and working on his posing. Choi admits, "The other competitors were more experienced. I saw that I needed to be better prepared. Musclemania is show, not just contest." At 5'7", 178 lbs., he has classic symmetry and great condition and promises a new look in Miami.
More nutrition from MM Pro Ulisses Jr.. Today, he says his pre-workout plan included 45g whey protein, 60g Vitargo, 5g of glutamine, BCAA, fish oil and 1 banana. His post workout mix included whey isolate, casein, vitargo, oats, glutamine, peanut butter & Udo's oil. Ulisses says, "While u eat, I've already drank my meal! Haha While u cheat, I'm getting ahead!"
A striking presence at any show, Carlos Rivera is one of New England's best natural bodybuilders. The 6'3", 215 lbs. model and actor won his first ever competition last year and a finalist at two more shows. Now Carlos says he'll be making his Musclemania debut at MM New England at Foxwoods Resort Casino in CT. The 32 year old, self employed jock says, "My favorite sport is basketball and weight lifting but definitely I am an all around, Bo Jackson type!" More news, photos and videos about Carlos as he prepares for showtime.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Slovenian Ben Radic is training for his first ever bodybuilding competition. The 5'9" personal trainer is an amazing figure and people have been encouraging him to take the stage for many years. But the all around jock was in no hurry. Ben is passionate in judo, tennis, volleyball, kick boxing and more sports. But bodybuilding is something special for him. He says, "It's been my life for the last 10 years and i love it!" Ben is on a 6 month training regimen for MM Europe in Paris.
Louisiana natural junior star Frederick Smith is looking freakier by the week. The 21 year old, 5'7", 185 lbs. retail worker trains with his older brother James Smith who also has an incredible physique. Both will be competing at MM Lone Star in April and according to them, "We are out to win this time!" Last October, the brothers compete at MM Texas and although they were still learning about their bodies and how to diet, they made a big impressive in their first show.
‎'11 Model Universe Top 5 Finalist Juan Meneses keeps growing as he prepares for Model America in November. The 6'2", 195 lbs. architecture student says, "I am training heavy and gaining muscle until September and then will start dieting for the show. It will be 18 months between shows, so I will bring a new body to the stage next time."
Just from MM Pro Ulisses Jr. this morning. "8 egg-whites, 2 whole wheat pancakes, 1 avocado, blueberries, steamed spinach washed down with green tea. Breakfast of the Gods!"
MM Pros Antony Bessala (photo) and Bernard Amaya are training intensely for MM Universe in Miami. At 6'2", Antony says he's weighing 230 lbs. and wants to compete at least 215 lbs. by June. The Cameroon natives live in France and have started a sports training line of apparel which they say has taken off!
To say that MM Pro Dewayne Malone wants to remind people he is the Texas Titan is a gross understatement. The married father of three won the '09 MM America and '11 MM Universe Pro LW Class. At 5'7", 185 lbs., Dewayne is known for his expert bodybuilding nutrition advice to other competitors. But he says, "I am saving all the good stuff to win in Miami."

Saturday, February 4, 2012

As the '11 MM Junior America LW Champion, Terrance Harris says he's taking nothing for granted. "I am growing and staying lean all year. Vegas was great, but I know what I have to do take it all in Miami." The 5'7", 180 lbs., 21 year old PT is aiming for MM Universe Junior in Miami where he will take on a group of new juniors from throughout East Coast, Latin America and Europe.
New Zealand star Sanjeev Narayan says he's dedicated the whole season to preparing for MM World in Las Vegas. The 5'10", 205 lbs. bodybuilder has classic symmetry and impressive size, has won numerous Kiwi shows and competed at the '07 MM World and '10 IFBB Universe. But Sanjeev says, "There's nothing like Musclemania. I have always wanted to win the show and have planned my season for it this year!" He recently opened his own sports supplement store and says, "Now I have access to all of the latest nutrition on the market which should really help my training."
Kenyan Kevin Kimongoi continues his training regimen for MM Africa. The 5'6", 175 lbs. trainer is focusing on his hamstrings and calves to match his enormous upper body. Life long friends with Mr. Africa and MM Pro Sanya Shaka who now lives in New York, Kevin says, "I have learned a lot from him, especially discipline. Being persistent and really dedicated is what's it all about. I want to compete with Sanya someday."

MM Pro Antwaun Smith called today and said, "I'm chill'n at 238 lbs. right now, 7% with vascularity. I'll hit 245 by the end of the month and hit the stage this year at 215-220 lbs., 3%-4% easy. Everything is up, waist right now is at 30". You know how we do." He will be returning to MM Universe where he made his mark two years ago. More news about Antwaun soon.